Parvovirus Infection Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

What Is Parvovirus Infection ?
It is an extremely infectious childhood illness. Being common, it was once known as the fifth disease. Reason behind the name lies under the fact, that historically, parvovirus infection was among the 5 common ailments of childhood that were marked by a rash. Parvovirus infection is also known as slapped-cheek disease due to the emergence of distinctive rash on the face.
In usual instances, the infection tends to be mild and needs little treatment. Though in few adults, it can turn serious. In addition to this, for some pregnant females, parvovirus infection can result in great complications for the unborn baby. Besides, individuals with a weakened immune system and certain forms of anemia can develop a more intense infection.
What Are The Symptoms Of Parvovirus Infection ?
Many individuals develop no indications at all. However when signs do tend to emerge, they can vary relying upon the age of patient:
Signs in children:
Initial symptoms in children can include the following:
- Runny nose.
- Headache,
- Upset stomach.
- Fever.
Some days after the emergence of aforementioned signs, a distinctive rash forms on the face of the child. Bright red in color, the rash often appears on both the cheeks. Ultimately, it reaches some other parts of the body such as arms, buttocks, thighs and trunk. Often, the rash emerges while the illness is about to end. It may come and resolve for up to 21 days, getting more prominent when being exposed to intense temperatures. The rash associated with parvovirus infection may cause itching.
Signs in adults:
Unlike the children, adults do not experience the rash. However, the obvious sign in adults is the soreness of joints that continues for weeks. Commonly affected joints may include your:
- Ankles.
- Knees.
- Wrists.
- Hands.
What Causes Parvovirus Infection ?
Human parvovirus B19 is responsible for triggering parvovirus infection. An infected individual can spread the infection through hand-to hand contact or respiratory secretions. Besides, an infected pregnant woman serves as the basis to transmit the virus to the baby. Before the emergence of rash, the illness is infectious. After it appears, the patient is no longer assumed to be a ‘threat’ for others, thus needs not to be isolated.
How Is Parvovirus Infection Diagnosed ?
Once being infected, the person becomes immune to it, therefore has least chances to develop it again. As mentioned earlier, some individuals do not develop any indication of parvovirus infection, thus, the infection can go unnoticed. However for cases wherein symptoms become prominent, the doctor can doubt parvovirus infection based upon the appearance of rash. Though, to confirm his doubts, the doctor can suggest blood tests, that will precisely spot the presence of parvovirus infection.
How Is Parvovirus Infection Treatment ?
Minor cases of parvovirus infection can be treated with self-care measures, and thus needs no medical aid. However, individuals with intense anemia can develop the severe form of infection, thus are more prone to face complications. These patients may need to be hospitalized, where they will receive transfusions of blood. Same is the case with individuals those with a weaker immune system. To treat parvovirus infection, these patients can receive antibodies through immune globulin injections.
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By : Natural Health News