Vitamin B12 Deficiency Anemia Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

What Is Vitamin B12 Deficiency Anemia?
Anemia occurs when the body lacks sufficient red blood cells. R.B.Cs gives oxygen to the tissues of our body. There are numerous forms of anemia. When low R.B.C count occurs because of inadequate vitamin B12, vitamin B12 deficiency anemia arises. Vitamin B12 plays a vital role in the making of DNA, formation of red blood cells and normal functioning of our nervous system.
What Causes Vitamin B12 Deficiency Anemia?
Vitamin B12 is required by our body in order to produce red blood cells. Lack of these essential vitamins can result from the following dietary factors:
- Consuming vegetarian meals.
- Poor nutrition in pregnancy.
- Poor diet.
Few medical conditions that make the body hard to absorb sufficient vitamin B12 include:
- Celiac disease and Crohn disease.
- Chronic alcoholism.
- Pernicious anemia (form of vitamin B12 anemia which arises when the body damages cells responsible for producing intrinsic factor).
- Infection with fish tapeworm.
- Surgeries which eliminate specific parts of the small intestine or stomach.
- Prolonged usage of heartburn medicines and antacids.
What Are The Symptoms Of Vitamin B12 Deficiency Anemia?
Few common symptoms of vitamin B2 deficiency anemia are:
- Bleeding gums or swollen tongue.
- Breathing difficulties, especially while performing exercises.
- Problems concentrating.
- Pale skin.
- Loss of appetite.
- Fatigue.
- Constipation or diarrhea.
Vitamin B12 deficiency for a prolong period of time can lead to nerve damage. Its symptoms may include:
- Depression.
- Dementia (severe instances).
- Confusion.
- Tingling and numbness in feet and hands.
- Loss of balance.
How Is Vitamin B12 Deficiency Anemia Diagnosed?
During your visit, the doctor will conduct a thorough physical exam, which will reveal the problems related to your reflexes. He or she can recommend the following tests and exams:
- Vitamin B12 level.
- LDH level.
- Reticulocyte count.
- Complete blood count (CBC).
Few other procedures which may be needed are:
- Bone marrow biopsy, in case of ambiguous diagnosis.
- Enteroscopy, in order to monitor your small intestine.
- Esophagogastroduodenoscopy will help to examine your stomach.
How Is Vitamin B12 Deficiency Anemia Treated?
The treatment of vitamin B12 deficiency anemia relies on its trigger. However it aims to augment the level of vitamin B12. Few treatment options include:
- Shot of vitamin B12.
- Oral supplements of vitamin B12.
- Oral Vitamin B12 tablets.
If an underlying medical condition for example alcoholism, celiac disease or Crohn disease has resulted in its deficiency, treating it will leave no point of treating vitamin B12 deficiency anemia anymore. Even though, the doctor will strictly advice you to consume a balanced- diet.
- Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia can be prevented simply by consuming a well-balanced diet.
- Vitamin B12 shots can help avert anemia after the specific surgeries known for sourcing the deficiency.
- Lastly, an early diagnosis followed by an immediate treatment tends to prevent or reduce the chances of complications associated with vitamin B12 deficiency anemia.
Read about: Side Effects of Taking Too Much Vitamin B12
By : Natural Health News