FoodHealthy EatingSkin Food

Top 5 Benefits of Strawberries For Skin

The benefits of strawberries for problem skin have been discussed several times and research has proven that strawberries are great for keeping your skin healthy. They are considered super skin food that can help regenerate new skin cells a lot faster to keep your problem skin at bay. Healthy eating should always be a part of your daily routine and not just be opted only when the problem arises. Having a balanced diet is really important if you want to live a healthy and active life. Coming back to this great skin food, here are top 5 benefits of strawberries for skin alone.

  1.     Strawberries have anti-aging properties because they contain anti-oxidant ellagic acid which is known to prevent collagen destruction which is the major cause of formation of wrinkles and fine lines.
  2.     Strawberries help you get rid of acne. Acne is caused by excess storage of sebum which can be cleared with the help of rich nutrients that are packed in this super fruit. As strawberries are acidic n nature they help in removing excess oil in the skin.
  3.     Strawberries offer UV skin protection. The powerful anti-oxidant, ellagic acid found in strawberries is very useful as it protects the skin from harmful UV rays.
    ”A research conducted by researchers at a university in Korea discovered that mice that were exposed to UV rays after being given ellagic acid treatment showed reduced wrinkle formation as compared to mice that weren’t given the treatment before exposure.”
  4.     Strawberries are great for oily skin because they are rich in vitamin C. You can make some amazing face packs with strawberries to get rid of excess oil on your skin.
  5.     Strawberries promote skin whitening & brightening. Strawberry juice is great for skin lightening and brightening. The juice treats dark spots and pigmentation on the skin. All you have to do is apply the strawberry juice all over your skin or on dark spots for spot treatment and rinse after 15 to 20 minutes. You will start seeing results within 10 days.

That’s about it for the benefits of strawberries for skin so, have fun munching on these conical wonders while enjoying some amazing health benefits out of this super skin food.

By : Natural Health News

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