8 Health Benefits of Virgin Coconut oil

Do you know about super food which is very helpful for health? If you don’t know then it is extremely high time to know. There are more than lots of benefits of coconut oil and its food. To find out its uses, benefits, and importance more than 1500 studies have been conducted. All the studies and research says that it is versatile food or liquid for our Well Being on the world. Therefore, coconut tree is also known as the tree of life. Coconut product is used for cooking use, medicinal purpose and it can be used as a useful ingredient for beauty products too. It has many of remarkable benefits like for skin, Hair care, control over heart disease, treat UTI infection and protects the Liver, oil for massage, good for high blood pressure and kidney illness.
There are many uses of virgin coconut oil, it would be better if you move with refine and pure coconut oil are hygienic and good for health and it helps to treat many diseases.
Prevent Heart Diseases
If you think coconut is not good or harmful for your well-being it is high time to know the fact and it’s Importance. In fact, coconut oil contains Lauric acid; it helps to protect your heart from different problems like it control over high and low of blood pressure and also controls high cholesterol level.
Help to Lose Weight
Weight is one of the major parts of your health, as it determines your health condition. To be healthy your Body Mass Index must be normal or under. If you’ve got excess weight then, you may use coconut oil or products to lose your weight as it contains healthy fatty acid and this acid help for your Weight Loss. It is very helpful to decrease your stress that’s why people use it as the best for the body massage. According to doctor or health expert coconut oil helps to reduce abdominal obesity in women.
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Boost Immunity Powers
Coconut oil is extremely useful for the destruction of harmful virus and bacteria. It can provide power to your body and it can help your body to fight against different diseases as it boosts your immunity power. If you are suffering from HIV coconut water and its product can boost your immunity power. Strange but amazing, it is so helpful for your immunity power. It contains antimicrobial lipids; Lauric Acid, Capric Acid and Caprylic Acid as these all are an antivirus and bacterial element.
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Improves Brain Function
Coconut oil helps to get better memory power and it also improves brain function. We can discover nutrients know as MCTs in coconut oil which helps to form ketones and these ketones are essential for development and protection of brain cells. We can even use pure coconut oil for cooking has nutrients which can fight against brain-related diseases such as Alzheimer, Dementia etc. Coconut oil is not so expensive but it has lots of health benefits. For healthy brain and better memory, we should always use coconut oil.
Protect From Yeast Infections
Coconut oil has healthy fatty acids in it and these fatty acids have lots of anti-fungal and antibacterial properties which are very useful for numerous fungal and yeast infection. Whether its women suffering from a vaginal infection or whether it’s other people suffering from any other infections all their infection can get cured by using natural or virgin coconut oil in several forms and in many ways. By using coconut oil we can naturally get rid of many fungal and bacterial infections.
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Helps to Fight Cancer
Research has shown that coconut oil has anti-cancer properties in it. We can use coconut oil for cooking, replace it with butter, and even use it externally on our skin. There are numerous nutrients in coconut oil which heals many wounds and burns easily and rapidly. The anti-cancer protocols present in it helps to fight with many types of cancer. It is miracle oil and has lots of other health benefits too.
Hair Care
If you have dandruff or dry hair coconut oil has the wonderful fatty acids to help improve these conditions. You can make homemade coconut lavender shampoo to get better your hair and use straight coconut oil as an all natural hair conditioner. To get rid of dandruff and to thicken hair massage 1 tbsp coconut oil mixes with 10 drops of Rosemary Essential Oil into your scalp for 3 minutes. Then shower 30 minutes later.
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According to research published in the medical journal Food and Function, coconut oil improves antioxidant levels and can slow Anti-Aging. Coconut oil works by reducing stress on the liver and by lowering oxidative stress.
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By : Natural Health News