Diet TipsFoodWeight Watching
Remember These Things When You Are On A Diet!
Yes, we all tend to forget the importance of healthy eating when we have weight loss on our mind. I personally do this a lot and tend to follow crash diet plans just to shed those ugly pounds off my body. Here are a few things that you need to keep in mind when you are planning on losing weight.
- Try to prepare your own lunch for work because when you don’t, you end up eating out (happens to me a lot).
- Sleep early because if you stay up late you would end up eating more calories in one particular day.
- Set your timetable for you breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner so that you don’t nibble randomly throughout the day.
- Always put your food in your plate instead of eating in the bag you bring it home in because that might make you eat more without even realizing.
- Have snacks during your meals so that you feel fuller throughout the day
- Drink one big glass of water at the start of your meal. Don’t forget this because I always do!
- Don’t have heavy lunch and dinner on the same day. If you ended up having one heavy lunch then it’s ok to have less for dinner. (Don’t indulge in guilt eating).
- Shift your focus from what you can’t eat during your diet days to what you can eat and how you can make it tasty and healthy.
- Don’t buy your favorite food items when there is a party at home.
- Prepare foods that are slow to eat because the slower you eat the lesser calories you would consume.
- Chew sugarless gum throughout the day because of two reasons:
It can help you tone down your face
It can help you avoid the unusual nibbles - Keep a treadmill at home or any exercise equipment that you need in your life and get onto it while you are listening to your favorite music before calling it a night.
- Eat more fruits and vegetables because they will keep you fuller and will also take care of your health.
- Once you are done with the dinner party at home, try to give away the leftover desserts or other yummy foods to departing guests 😉
So, that’s it for now. Print it and paste it in your room somewhere so that you remember it all.