
California woman has 100 different allergies, is restricted to eating just 13 foods

A peculiar ailment restricts a California woman’s personal menu to just thirteen items.

The 21-year-old Los Angeles, California resident Jenna Gestetner was identified as having Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) at an early age.

“Condition in which the patient experiences repeated episodes of the symptoms of anaphylaxis — allergic symptoms such as hives, swelling, low blood pressure, difficulty breathing, and severe diarrhea,” is how the American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology describes MCAS.

Gestetner said to Fox News Digital that she has always experienced seemingly sporadic health problems.

“My only designation has always been’sensitive.'” I was easily ill or hurt, and I had sensitive skin and a sensitive stomach,” she remarked. subsequently, “when I was about 12, things started getting worse.”

Gestetner reported that she discovered some foods made her symptoms worse, including pain, nausea, exhaustion, and dizziness.

“The more I would eat certain foods, the worse the reactions would get,” she stated.

Gestetner claimed that by avoiding particular meals, her problems got better.

She said, “When I was 18, I was down to eating less than 15 foods [and] I knew I needed answers for my physical health but also my mental health.”

Gestetner was finally diagnosed with MCAS after years of confusion; as a result, she is currently limited to 13 things that she can eat without experiencing any problems.

“The 13 foods I can eat are white fish, turkey, green beans, zucchini, cucumber, lime, dates, grapes, raspberries, pears, chia seeds, water lily seeds and olive oil,” she stated.

The University of Southern California student stated that ensuring there is no cross-contamination and dining out are the two biggest difficulties she faces while living with MCAS.

“Most restaurants don’t have food I can eat, so when I am looking to eat out, I typically have to check the menus of several places before finding somewhere with something I can eat on the menu,” she explained.

“I have to then get in touch with the restaurant to make sure they can adjust it so it fits within my eating restrictions,” she continued. Even so, I become really nervous when I eat out because I could react to even tiny amounts of certain things.”

Gestetner claimed that she typically eats the same foods every day, such as fruit or water lily seeds for snacks, protein with veggies for lunch and supper, and turkey and chia seed pudding for breakfast.

“The important thing for me is eating enough calories as well as a balance of all the types of foods I can eat to make sure I’m getting as many essential nutrients as possible,” she stated.

Red meat, poultry, lettuce, apples, lemons, rice, pasta, bread, crackers, and unusual flavors are a few of the main meals Gestetner must avoid.

She discusses her experiences with the illness and produces content for social media these days.

“I love showing the positive side by creating content, such as using the foods I can eat to try all kinds of recipes,” she stated.

She continued, “I have gotten a very positive response from people who feel validated and motivated to keep moving forward and to also see their challenges in a positive light.”

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