Rotator Cuff Tear Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

What Is Rotator Cuff Tear?
Basically, rotator cuff refers to a group of tendons and muscles which connects to your bones of the shoulder joint, keeping your shoulder stable and letting it move. More specifically, rotator cuff tear happens when some of your tendon is torn due to an injury or overuse.
What Are The Symptoms Of Rotator Cuff Tear?
Often, pain that arouses after an injury or fall is extreme. Immediately after suffering from the injury, the person can possibly have weakness felt in the arm and shoulder. One may also feel the sensation of cracking while trying to lift or move his arm.
However; in case of a chronic tear, one may notice any symptom when it starts. Moreover, signs of stiffness, weakness and pain get worse gradually, with the passage of time. Majority individuals feel intense pain at night times, which can also disrupt their sleep. Often, at day time, it is more bearable and only increases with specific movements.
In addition, these signs get worse eventually, and fail to respond exercises, rest or medicines.
When Is The Right Time To Pursue Medical Assistance?
Do not delay to take medical assistance in case:
- Your signs are not responding to the treatment.
- In case you feel constant pain in your shoulder.
What Causes Rotator Cuff Tear?
The condition can occur in either of the way:
- A fall on the arm, at the time when it’s stretched can cause an instant, acute tear. Besides, it can also occur while lifting a heavy object.
- Rotator cuff tear can even occur gradually, with the passage of time, called chronic tear. Possibilities increases in case of having impingement syndrome or chronic tendinitis. As these tend to wears down your tendon, raising the risks of tear.
How Is Rotator Cuff Tear Diagnosed?
Considering the symptoms, the doctor will perform a thorough physical examination that will possibly unveil tenderness over your shoulder. The patient may feel pain while the doctor raises his or her shoulder overhead. He or she can then suggest X-rays of your affected shoulder. Moreover, few other tests can also be recommended, including:
- Ultrasound.
- MRI of the shoulder.
- Arthogram.
How Is Rotator Cuff Tear Treatment?
In case of suffering problems related to rotator cuff, it is important to know as to how you can manage your condition at home. This will help you in recovering, whilst easing the symptoms. Thus, consult your doctor for the purpose.
Possibly, the doctor will suggest the patient to rest his or her shoulder, plus, avert the particular activities that may cause pain. In case of a single tear, physical therapy accompanied with rest can greatly help. Though, in case of having a complete tear on the rotator cuff, surgery can be recommended, in order to repair your tendon.
Besides, surgery is also considered if your signs have failed to respond other treatment options. Usually, arthroscopic surgery is used, whereas open surgery is advice for large tears.
By : Natural Health News