Vaginitis Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

What Is Vaginitis ?
It is characterized by the vaginal inflammation that consequents in pain, itching and discharge. Often, vaginitis occurs due to an infection or disturbance in the balance of vaginal bacteria. Besides, decreased levels of estrogen after menopause can also lead to vaginitis.
Few of its common types are as follow:
- Bacterial vaginosis : It is marked by the inflammation in vagina which occurs due to the overproduction of a particular type of bacterium that generally prevails in the vagina, disturbing the balance of vaginal bacteria.
- Yeast infection: A woman with yeast infection would complaint vaginal discharge, extreme itching and vaginal irritation. It affects the vagina, as well as the tissues of vulva. Also known as vaginal candidiasis, the type of vagnitis is common. Fungus candida is responsible for triggering yeast infection.
- Trichomoniasis: It is a sexually transmitted infection, triggered by a parasite. The infection can source painful urination, genital itching and vaginal discharge.
- Vaginal atrophy: It is characterized by the inflammation, drying and thinning of the walls of vagina, in response to the inadequate amount of estrogen in the body. Usually, vaginal atrophy arises after menopause, though it can also occur at any other time when the making of estrogen is reduced, for example while breastfeeding.
What Are The Symptoms Of Vaginitis ?
Indications of vaginitis can include:
- Pain while performing sexual activities and while passing urine.
- Vaginal irritation or itching.
- Light vaginal spotting or bleeding.
- Change in amount, odor or color of vaginal discharge.
What Causes Vaginitis ?
The reason relies upon the type of vaginitis the patient has, for example:
- Bacterial vaginotis: It occurs due to the overproduction of a particular type of bacterium that generally prevails in the vagina.
- Yeast infection: Fungus candida is responsible for triggering yeast infection. Besides bacteria, this microorganism also tends to prevails in the vagina. Naturally, the vagina holds a balanced combination of bacteria and yeast. In addition to this, lactobacillus bacteria make acid that discourages the excessive production of yeast. Though, disturbance in the natural balance can consequent in the overproduction of yeast.
- Trichomoniasis: As mentioned earlier, it is triggered by a type of parasite. This one-celled protozoan manages to spread during the sexual intercourse. An unprotected sex is the foremost reason behind successful transmission.
- Vaginal atrophy: It is triggered by the reduced production of estrogen. Inadequate amount of estrogen tends to make the tissues of vagina drier, thinner and less elastic.
How Is Vaginitis Diagnosed ?
The doctor will perform a thorough physical examination of the patient, and will need details regarding the medical history. To detect the possible cause, he or she will conduct a pelvic exam.
How Is Vaginitis Treatment ?
Treatment options may vary depending upon the type of vaginitis you have, for example:
- Bacterial vaginosis: Metronidazole tablets (oral), metronidazole gel or clindamycin cream for applying to the vagina.
- Yeast infection: The treatment of yeast infection relies upon whether the patient has a complicated or uncomplicated infection.
- Complicated yeast infection: In order to treat complicated yeast infection, treatment options include:
- Multidose oral medication.
- Long-course vaginal therapy.
- Maintenance plan.
- Uncomplicated yeast infection: In order to treat infrequent episodes or mild to moderate signs, the health care provider can suggest:
- Single-dose oral medication.
- Short-course vaginal therapy.
- Trichomoniasis: Trichomoniasis is commonly treated with a megadose of tinidazole or metronidazole.
- Vaginal atrophy: the doctor can suggest topical or oral estrogen.
By : Natural Health News