Mold Allergy Symptoms, Causes, Complications, Diagnosis and Treatment

What Is Mold Allergy ?
Some people, merely by inhaling the mold spores can develop an allergic reaction, a condition called mold allergy. Their immune system tends to overreact, resulting in the development of a number of allergic signs. Symptoms of mold allergy, like the ones of other allergic reaction can be distressing, and commonly include:
- Itchy eyes.
- Cough.
For some, the allergy is associated to asthma, whereas the exposure to mold leads to breathing problems. Like other allergies, avoidance to the allergen is the best prevention. Therefore, an individual with mold allergy should limit the exposure to the particular type known to trigger his/her reaction. Despite the hundred attempts to avoid the allergen, one may accidentally become exposed to it. For such, medications can help easing the symptoms.
What Are The Symptoms Of Mold Allergy ?
More or less, symptoms associated with mild allergy resemble the ones with other types of upper respiratory allergies. Few of which are as followed:
- Watery eyes.
- Itchy throat, nose and eyes.
- Postnasal drip.
- Cough.
- Stuffy or runny nose.
- Sneezing.
The aforementioned signs of mold allergy tend to vary from individual to individual as well as their intensity. One would develop symptoms during particular time periods in a year, whereas others experience signs all year round. In addition, signs usually flare-up in damp weather, plus when an individual with mold allergy is in outdoor or indoor spaces which have mold concentrations.
What Causes Mold Allergy ?
Its symptoms develop by the response of a sensitive immune system. An individual with mold allergy experiences an allergic response by breathing in minute, airborne spores of mold. This occurs when the immune system of such a person distinguish them as harmful, therefore produces antibodies. Exposure to the allergen for the next time is identified by these antibodies, which indicate the immune system to counteract the ‘perceived foreign invader’. In turn, the immune system releases chemicals to fight off against the allergen that leads to the development of mold allergy symptoms.
What Are The Complications Of Mold Allergy ?
Generally, mold allergy causes mild and manageable allergic reactions. Though for some, mold allergy can lead to the following health condition:
- Mold-induced asthma.
- Allergic fungal sinusitis.
- Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis.
- Hypersensitivity pneumonitis.
How Is Mold Allergy Diagnosis ?
The doctor will need details regarding the symptoms of the patient and would carry out a thorough physical examination to determine what is causing the symptoms. In addition, the doctor can also suggest a blood (RAST) or skin (skin prick) test to check for the possibilities of an allergy.
How Is Mold Allergy Treatment ?
An individual with mold allergy must take measure to avoid the allergen as much as possible. Though, molds being common, one cannot just avoid them entirely. Several medications are used to ease the signs of mold allergy, these are:
- Antihistamines.
- Nasal corticosteroids.
- Oral decongestants.
- Decongestants nasal sprays.
- Montelukast.
Few other treatments include:
- Nasal Iavage.
- Immunotherapy.
By : Natural Health News