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According to Trainers Building Muscle After 50, What You Need

Physical fitness suddenly opens up a world of possibilities for those who are 50 years of age and older. People who are 50 years of age and older are getting fitter and crushing exercises, and you may be asking how to grow muscle mass beyond 50.

However, gaining muscle as you age might be more difficult, and it involves more than just toning your body. According to SoHo Strength Lab co-founder Albert Matheny, R.D., C.S.C.S., “lean muscle mass naturally declines as you age.” “However, as you age, you become more resilient if you gain more muscle mass.”

As a master trainer with the National Academy of Sports Medicine who specializes in senior fitness, Maurice Williams explains that building muscle can also protect your bones, reducing the chance of osteoporosis and mobility problems. Muscle “plays a crucial role in stability, healthy weight, injury prevention, and metabolism,” according to Chrysten Crockett, founder of Get Fit With Chrys and a NASM-certified personal trainer. In general, there’s no excuse for not wanting to gain muscle after the age of 50.

Naturally, knowing that you want to gain muscle is one thing, but really putting that desire into action is quite another. This is what fitness experts advise.

How to gain muscle after 50

Trainers say there are many different ways and activities you may perform to continue building muscle after 50. These are a few of the most important steps to set you on the correct course.

Perform workouts using your body weight.

If you’re not familiar, bodyweight workouts are ways to build strength using only your own body weight. According to Doug Sklar, a certified personal trainer and the creator of the New York City fitness training business PhilanthroFIT, “bodyweight exercises like push-ups, squats, and pull-ups will help maintain and develop a strong foundation on which you can add additional types of exercises.” Lunges are another beneficial workout, according to Matheny.

Be not afraid of large weights.

According to Matheny, weighted strength training is beneficial for muscular growth both before and after the age of fifty. By the way, Sklar thinks it’s okay if you want to use big weights. “Move big weights without fear, but be very careful to use the right form,” he continues. (If you need help with technique, consult a trainer at your neighborhood gym.) Williams advises carrying out this two or three times a week. “Train the entire body with moderate to heavy weights, two to three sets, of eight to fifteen reps,” the recommendation reads.

Include rest periods.

Matheny believes that as you age, the rate of recovery decreases. “To give your body more time to recover, strength training may not be something you do every day,” he advises. To help your body heal, Matheny advises switching up your strength training days or the muscle groups you concentrate on throughout each session. “You have a higher risk of injury unless you have been training your entire life,” he states. However, scheduling adequate recuperation times gives your muscles a break in between strengthening them up again.

Give protein first priority.

According to Crockett, “I’ve worked with thousands of clients ranging in age from 22 to 82, and one thing has remained constant: Nine out of ten people do not prioritize their protein intake.” However, as she notes, protein is necessary for muscle growth, repair, and maintenance, so this is a crucial area to concentrate on. “Aim for a minimum of 20 to 25 grams of protein in your larger meals, and a minimum of seven to twelve grams in your snacks,” advises the author. Williams advises concentrating on wholesome protein sources such as poultry, lentils, fatty fish, and red meat.

Change things up.

It’s not necessary to limit strength training to only lifting weights. Mixing up your workouts is usually a good idea, according to Matheny. “Take up activities like swimming and cycling as well,” he advises. Although Matheny emphasizes the value of load-bearing workouts in building bone and muscle, he points out that swimming and biking are typically easier on the joints. “Just stir it up,” he advises.

Make sleep a priority.

The majority of Americans should sleep seven to nine hours every night, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Sleep is when your body functions at its peak, according to Crockett. “It will not only replenish the energy you’ve lost throughout the day, but it will also mend the muscles you’ve damaged while exercising.” She emphasizes that you will be able to resume building muscle after that rehabilitation. “Your workouts will be counterproductive if you’re not giving your body the time it needs to recover,” claims Crockett.

Adjust your perspective.

Crockett advises considering your perspective on this period in your life. It’s a perfect time to try new things, challenge yourself, start over in some areas, and pick up new habits, she says. “Some people think it’s time to slow down,” she says. “It serves as a reminder to value your body even more in recognition of how far it has brought you.”

Experts believe that if you have previously been strength training, you should continue as you have. However, Sklar asserts that if strength training is new to you, there’s no need to feel afraid. He asserts that adding strength training and muscle-building activities to your fitness regimen is never too late. “Today is a great day to start if you don’t include them already.”

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