Be warned: Check your insurance before getting a COVID-19 vaccine this year

Ed Pliml was taken aback to discover that a shift in federal financing would require him to pay more than $100 for the new COVID-19 booster shot.
He claimed it was difficult to obtain, but he showed CBS News Chicago the score he obtained from the most recent booster shot.
“I thought it would be just as easy as every other year,” he stated.
For Pliml, that meant stopping by the neighborhood drugstore where shots used to be free.
However, this time, Piml was informed by the pharmacy that while they could administer the flu shot, “the COVID vaccine wasn’t covered, which I just assumed was a mistake.” “Therefore, after double checking, he declared, ‘Nope, the flu shot is covered.'” It’s not the COVID vaccination.
The total amount paid out of pocket exceeded $100. If other patients are unprepared, they may encounter the same problem.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in August of 2024, the Federal Drug Administration terminated a program that gave away free COVID-19 vaccinations.
“Most insurances cover the COVID-19 vaccine at no cost,” CVS pharmacist Sume Chakkalakel stated.
According to Chakkalakel, patients will now need to complete an additional step in order to receive a free COVID-19 vaccine.
“You just have to make sure that you go to an in-network pharmacy to get that vaccination,” said Chakkalakel.
To put it another way, individuals who desire the injection must review their health insurance policy. Pharmacists at CVS will still give a COVID-19 vaccination if their insurance does not cover it; the cost will be approximately $200.
It took CBS News Chicago a bit longer to locate the new COVID-19 booster’s Walgreens out-of-network price. Patients will need to look up the official name of the immunization. The Cominarty vaccination is produced by Pfizer. The Spikevax vaccine is produced by Moderna. There is a COVID-19 vaccination available from Novavax as well.
Piml claimed that he spent an hour and a half to several hours attempting to find someone who would pay for a vaccination on his behalf. What he claimed to be contradicting information from Blue Cross Community, his Medicaid provider, infuriated him.
“I still have no idea what is going on,” he replied.
“Coverage and networks may vary by plan,” BlueCross Blue Shield of Illinois stated in a statement. Please contact the number on your member ID card or visit if you have any queries regarding your eligibility for COVID-19 or flu vaccine coverage.”
Meanwhile, Piml found a place to get his shot where insurance status was irrelevant. However, even that proved difficult because not all healthcare practitioners currently give the boosters.
For instance, the Chicago Department of Public Health probably won’t be able to provide adult COVID vaccinations at its free immunization clinics until October. According to the CDPH, anyone who have private insurance or who are enrolled in Medicare or Medicaid should be able to pay for the immunization.
The pharmacist, Chakkalakel, expressed her optimism that patients seeking vaccinations will receive the information in the coming weeks.
Before departing the CVS, CBS News Chicago conducted a few quick fire questions regarding preparations for patients for the upcoming fall and winter.
Who needs the latest COVID-19 vaccination?
“Right now, there is a universal recommendation that all patients 6 months and up get vaccinated,” Chakkalakel stated.
Why should we receive another boost?
“The immunity to the virus does wane over time,” she stated.
Lastly, is it possible for patients to have both the COVID-19 and flu shots simultaneously?
“We’ve had multiple patients getting them at the same time, getting them in the same arm,” she stated.
Vaccine side effects are typically minimal.
At its three CDPH Immunization Clinics, CDPH will provide vaccines to individuals who lack insurance or have inadequate insurance. While walk-ins are accepted, it is strongly advised to register. Using the clinic’s phone number or by creating an account at, schedule an appointment. To ensure the COVID-19 vaccination doses have arrived, give them a call in advance.
According to the Illinois Department of Public Health, children under the age of 18 can receive a vaccination through the Vaccine for Children Program if their parents do not have health insurance.
Adults without insurance have a few options: they can use the search function to find a community health center or a free clinic, or they can check with their local health department.
Click here for additional details about vaccines at CVS, and click here for details about vaccines at Walgreens.