
What is Caraway?
Caraway is a spice that comes from the fruit of an Herbal Plants, Carum carvi, a member of the parsley family, Apiaceae or Umbelliferae. Native to the Mediterranean area, North Africa and the Near East, caraway is cultivated for its tiny fruits that are used to flavor savory Foods.
Holland, Turkey, Eastern Europe, Germany, India and Egypt are the main areas where caraway is grown.
The Caraway Herbs Plant has finely cut leaves and small white or pink flowers in compound umbels. The dark brown fruits are so small they are called seeds. Caraway seeds are crescent-shaped and nearly a quarter-inch long with five light-colored longitudinal ridges.
The caraway plant has finely cut leaves and small white or pink flowers in compound umbels. The dark brown fruits are so small they are called seeds. Caraway seeds are crescent-shaped and nearly a quarter-inch long with five light-colored longitudinal ridges.
Caraway seeds, powder or oil have been used for medical purposes since ancient times. They are proven to be of great help when dealing with stomach, heart and eye diseases. In addition, these Healing Herbs are used to treat different diseases of respiratory ways, cold viruses, vomiting and nausea. Caraway strengthens your immunity resulting in improvement of your health.
Benefits of Caraway
- Pregnant women should avoid using caraway. However, it is particularly advisable after childbirth. Caraway seed decoction is a great remedy to increase your milk supply.
- Eat a teaspoon of caraway seeds once a day after meal. It is a daily dose you must not exceed. It is going to strengthen your organism.
- Consuming caraway seeds on a regular basis has been found to be very beneficial in curing the loss of appetite.
- This benefit of caraway seeds is because of the presence of many antioxidants and other relevant compounds like flavonoids, phytonutrients etc. in them.
- This benefit of caraway seeds is mainly because of the presence of many nutrients like Vitamins, minerals and other compounds like antioxidants, phytonutrients etc. in them.
- Caraway seeds contain a healthy dose of zinc, a mineral that may help enhance bone density.
- Taking caraway oil with raw honey or warm water may help loosen up mucus in the respiratory system as well as control the inflammation in the airways.
- It is an outstanding carminative. It eases the gut, providing relief from gas, Flatulence and bowel spasms.
- Add a few drops of caraway oil into a diffuser or vaporizer, and then inhale the scent to take in the benefits. Mix caraway oil with a carrier oil then massage it onto your skin.
- You can mix a few drops of caraway oil into a skin lotion to boost its effectiveness to help lessen skin or scalp problems.
- Caraway essential oil has antiseptic properties that may help fight microbes inside and outside your body.
- Adding caraway into your regular diet may be beneficial to your health, as it contains a wide variety of nutrients that can support optimal health.
- Oral intake of caraway seed oil is useful in Getting rid of Bad Breath and gum disease.
- Magnesium, a mineral found in caraway seeds, can improve the duration, quality and tranquility of sleep, leaving you feeling better for the next day.
By : Natural Health News