Burning Mouth Syndrome Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

What Is Burning Mouth Syndrome?
The medical term is a painful condition characterized as recurrent or chronic burning felt in your mouth for no clear reason. Discomfort associated with burning mouth syndrome can affect the lips, gums, tongue, palate and inside of the cheeks. Generally, the condition appears all of a sudden, and can cause extreme pain. Usually, it cause remain a mystery, which makes it treatment very difficult. However, a professional health care team can greatly help you cope with the discomfort of burning mouth syndrome effectively. Burning mouth syndrome is also known as the following names:
- Â Glossodynia.
- Â Stomatodynia.
- Â Burning lips syndrome.
- Â Burning tongue syndrome.
- Â Scalded mouth.
What Are The Symptoms Of Burning Mouth Syndrome?
Burning sensation or pain are the two prominent symptoms of burning mouth syndrome. You may feel slight burning particularly in the morning, which tends to gradually progress into an intense feeling of pain. Usually, the pain reaches it maximum level by the evening, however become less and bearable by night time.
Few sufferers may feel constant pain whereas others may experience the sensation of burning with intervals. Discomfort and pain of the condition can continue for some months, or even years. Few other symptoms of burning mouth syndrome include dry or sore mouth, dry lips, metallic or bitter taste.
What Causes Burning Mouth Syndrome?
The clear causes of burning mouth syndrome are not completely known till date, however certain factors are considered for contributing the condition. These are:
- Â Medical conditions: thyroid problems or diabetes can cause burning sensation.
-  Oral problems: Sjogren’s syndrome, oral thrush and dry mouth can instigate burning mouth syndrome.
- Â Hormonal imbalances and menopause.
- Â Vitamins deficiencies.
- Â Acid reflux disease.
- Â Mouth irritants such as smoking and acidic drinks can dry out the mouth, which favors the condition to occur.
- Â Certain medications such as antidepressants and medications of high blood pressure.
- Â Burning mouth syndrome can occur as an allergic reaction in few patients due to specific allergens.
- Â Emotional problems for example depression or anxiety can contribute in causing burning mouth syndrome.
What Are The Complications Of Burning Mouth Syndrome?
Following are the complications burning mouth syndrome can lead:
- Â Anxiety.
- Â Depression.
- Â Difficulty sleeping.
- Â Difficulty eating.
- Â Impaired relationships.
- Â Decreased socializing.
How Is Burning Mouth Syndrome Diagnosed?
The doctor or dentist will thoroughly check the patient’s mouth. He or she will also review the medical history of the patient. A number of tests can be required for diagnosing burning mouth syndrome such as:
- Â Imaging tests.
- Â Biopsy of tissue.
- Â Salivary flow test.
- Â Allergy tests.
- Â Oral swab tests.
- Â Blood tests (will help diagnose specific medical problems).
How Is Burning Mouth Syndrome Treated?
Since burning mouth syndrome is a complex disorder, a particular treatment that effectively works for a patient may fail to work for other. Its treatment focuses to relieve the discomforting symptoms of burning mouth syndrome. In case a causal condition has resulted BMS, for example diabetes, the doctor will work to treat it first. In case it is instigated by some drug, the doctor will switch the patient to a new drug.
By : Natural Health News