Chickenpox Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

What is Chickenpox?
Chickenpox, also known as varicella is an illness that tends to cause blisters or red spots and itchy rashes throughout the body. Very common particularly in children, chickenpox hits many individuals once in their life span, in case they never received its vaccine.
After being hit by chickenpox once, there is no possibility of developing it again. Though, its virus remains long in the body even after healing from the illness. In case it gets active again, the virus can trigger a painful condition called shingles (viral infection).
Chickenpox is basically caused by varicella-zoster virus. The condition can easily spread through coughs and sneezes of the infected individual. Sharing drinks/food or touching the liquid discharged from the blisters of chickenpox can also transfer the condition easily.
What are the Symptoms of Chickenpox?
The infection normally lasts for 6-10 days. Rash, is actually the prominent indications of the condition. Besides, symptoms which can emerge earlier than rash include:
• Headache.
• Appetite loss.
• Fever.
• Malaise (feeling of illness).
• Fatigue.
Once the rash of chickenpox appears, it then passes through three different stages:
• Raised red or pink bumps.
• Blisters filled with fluid (vesicles).
• Scabs and crusts.
Generally, in healthy adults and children, chickenpox is mild. In some severe cases, rash tend to spread covering the whole body, forming lesions in your throat, urethra mucous membranes and eyes, vagina and anus.
What are the risk factors?
Varicella – zoster virus, which causes chickenpox, can easily spread and is very contagious. It can get transmitted through direct rash contact or through the dispersed droplets (air) by sneezing or coughing.
You are more likely to catch the virus if you:
• Never has chickenpox before.
• Never received chickenpox vaccination.
• Attend or work in a child care facility or school.
• Stay with children.
Individuals who already had chickenpox or received its vaccination have the immunity to this virus.
What are the complications of chickenpox?
Normally, the disease is mild. Though, it can turn serious causing complications. Such as:
• Pneumonia.
• Bacterial infections of joints, bones, bloodstream, soft tissues or skin.
• Inflammation of your brain (encephalitis).
• Reye’s syndrome particularly for individuals who consume aspirin during the disease.
• Toxic shock syndrome.
Who is more likely to face complications?
Well, those who are more likely to face complications are:
• Infants and newborns of the mothers who never received chickenpox vaccines or who never has the condition.
• Pregnant women.
• Adults.
• Individuals with impaired immune systems due to medications (chemotherapy) or other disease (HIV, Cancer).
• Individuals who consume steroid medications because of another condition or disease.
• Individuals consuming drugs that can suppress the immune system.
Chickenpox Diagnosis
Telltale rash can help your doctor to diagnose your condition as chickenpox. In case of any doubt, the doctor can confirm conducting lab tests such as culture of lesion or blood test samples.
Chickenpox treatment
Normally, in healthy children, no particular medical treatment is needed to treat chickenpox. Though, antihistamine can be prescribed by your doctor for relieving itchiness.
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By : Natural Health News