Cholecystitis Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

What Is Cholecystitis?
Cholecystitis is an inflammation of the gallbladder. Gallbladder is responsible for the production of bile, a chemical import for the digestion of fats.
It is a complication which arises due to development of gallstones. The blockage of the cystic duct, caused by presence of gallstones, causes a buildup of bile and increased pressure in the gallbladder. This leads to exhibition of right upper abdominal pain.
Inflammation and swelling in the gallbladder can further lead to cell death as cholecystitis is marked by a lack of oxygen supply.
Such complications mean that surgery may be required. If no such complication exists, the prognosis is excellent and treatment has better results.
However, regardless of whether complications exist, treatment is required. If proper treatment is not sought, life threatening consequences may occur.
This may include gall bladder rupture, which is known to release chemicals toxic to the body.
Causes Of Cholecystitis:
Cholecystitis is caused by inflammation of the gallbladder. Such inflammation may arise due to various reasons. This includes:
- Blockage of bile flow leads tothickening of bile which lead to an enlarged, red, and tense gallbladder
- Inflammation can spread to the outer covering of the gallbladder, leading to irritation of surrounding structures
- Inhibits draining of bile from the gallbladder, which causes bile buildup
- Bile duct blockage.
- Scarring of the bile ducts can cause blockages that lead to cholecystitis.
Symptoms Of Cholecystitis:
A number of symptoms are exhibited by those who suffer from cholecystitis. These may include:
- Severe pain upper right abdomen
- Pain that radiates from right shoulder or back
- Tenderness over abdomen when touched
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Fever
Diagnosis Of Cholecystitis:
Cholecystitis can be diagnosed via:
- Blood tests, to look for signs of an infection or signs of gallbladder problems.
- Imaging tests, to reveal signs of cholecystitis
- abdominal ultrasound
- computerized tomography (CT) scan
- Ultrasound findings suggestive of acute cholecystitis
- Gallstones
- fluid surrounding the gallbladder
- gallbladder wall thickening
- dilation of the bile duct
- hepatobiliary iminodiacetic acid (HIDA) scan, if complications are suspected
Treatment Of Cholecystitis:
The following treatment options are available:
- Hospitalization
- Fasting
- Antibiotics, to fight against possible infections
- Pain medication, to relieve pain
- Surgery
- Cholecystectomy
By : Natural Health News