Different Types of Yoga Poses That Burn the Many Calories
There are lots of different weight loss yoga poses that you can undertake if you are trying to get in shape. Whether you are further advanced or are a beginner, you will find that the different of options you have to choose from makes the exercises much more engaging and effective. For instance, the crescent move requires you to reach toward the ceiling and then toward the ground while bending in a lunge form. You then hold this position and return to the start, repeating it as essential. It strengthens the legs and burns a lot of calories because it is not easy to hold.
When you inhale while expanding your muscles and exhale while contracting them, it helps oxygenate your blood and fortify your lungs. And because it involves so various muscles, sun salutations are a great early morning calorie burning habit!
There is different Types of Yoga that burns the most calories.
Type of Yoga      Calories burned (1hr/150lb yogi)
Imitate Chair        189
Ashtanga Yoga      351
Imitate Chair        477
Plank Pose            594
Hot or Bikram      500- 1200 calories
It’s mostly like holding the low part of a push-up, and, when done correctly, it requires you to engage most of your main muscle groups. “Your core has to be contracted, your legs engaged, and your arms working to preserve a 90-degree angle in the elbows,” says Lewis. “It’s extremely challenging and forces even the most advanced practitioners to be mindful and move with control.”’
Plank Pose
Not only are you resisting gravity when planking, but this familiar pose as well engages all of your muscles, resulting in substantial calorie burn. “You can enhance the calorie burn additional with variations like raising one foot an inch or two off of the mat,” adds Ingber. The longer you hold the pose, the more you will burn.
Related Articles: Plank Pose
Imitate Chair
To do this move, you have to activate the largest muscles in the body—the glutes—which automatically burns lots of calories, says Kristin Lewis, instructor at Y7 studio in New York City. “Chair pose is safe and easy for all yogis to perform,” she adds.
Dolphin Push-up
From all fours, place your forearms on the ground shoulder-distance apart, then tuck your toes and lift your hips. From here, start to lower your jaw toward your thumbs on an inhale, coming just about to a forearm plank but not quite because your feet are also close to your elbows for that. Use your exhale to lift back to dolphin, raising your hips back toward the ceiling. Do 20 reps.
High Lunge
From high lunge with your right foot forward, inhale to make straight your legs and lift your arms high. On your exhale, come back down to high lunge, reaching your left arm forward and your right arm back. Inhale back to center. Do 10 to 20 reps, and then repeat on the opposite side.
Tip Toe
With arms by your sides and keeping your toes and knees together, rise up on the balls of your feet and squat, lowering your butt to hover just about your heels. One at a time, try to take your hands together at the middle of your chest and stay here for 5 deep breaths.
Ashtanga Yoga
Ashtanga yoga is frequently referred to as power yoga because of its dynamic system that combines breathing and movement into a series of postures. It is together cardiovascular and meditative, and relies on the strength of your own muscles to carry out the movements. Unlike lots of styles of yoga where the classes are choreographed in a different way, in Ashtanga Yoga classes, the postures performed are always the same and are complete in a particular order. Ashtanga yoga is meant to purify the body by cultivating an “internal heat,” which burns off toxins. It as well builds strength, flexibility and decrease stress.
Hot or Bikram
These yoga classes are conducted under 40% dampness and a temperature of 105°F (40.5°C). This reason alone will help to burn additional calories. The asanas are the similar twenty-six postures every time. The single tool that possible leads to better calorie burning are the pranayama method called ujjayi. It is planned to heat the body from the inside out. Students of this way will burn between 500 – 1200 calories, considering that the class times are 90 minutes long.
By : Natural Health News