Dyshidrosis Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

What is dyshidrosis?
Also called dyshidrotic eczema, dyshidrosis is rare skin condition wherein tiny blisters tend to appear on the:
- Palms.
- Soles.
- Side of your fingers.
Normally, such blisters are puss-filled and complete its course of three weeks. They may cause extreme itching. After the blisters turn dry, the skin can appear scaly. Typically, the blisters recur, at times even before the skin heals entirely.
Often, its treatment includes ointments or creams for the affected skin. However in severe instances, the doctor can recommend corticosteroids pills for example prednisone for oral consumption.
What are the symptoms of dyshidrosis?
Blisters linked with skin conditions mostly occur on the soles, palms and sides of your fingers. Usually, such blisters are very tiny and appear in form of clusters. Moreover, in severe cases, such blisters tend to merge with each other forming larger ones.
Affected skin can be extremely itchy. It may also pain. After completing its course of three weeks, the blisters dry and start peeling off. However, your underlying skin can remain tender and red. The skin condition may recur for months or even years, regularly!
When is the high time to consult a dermatologist?
In case of developing rashes on the feet or hands which do not seems to resolve themselves, immediately consult a dermatologist. In case the rashes are severe, call for an appointment.
What causes dyshidrosis?
Clearly, what exactly causes the skin condition is a mystery till date, though dyshidrosis can be linked with atopic dermatitis and with certain allergic conditions for example hay fever. In individuals those have nasal allergies; its eruption can be seasonal.
What are the risk factors of dyshidrosis?
Risk factors are:
- Sensitive skin.
- Specific metals exposure.
- Too much stress.
- Using harsh soaps.
- Having other skin condition for example atopic eczema.
What are the possible complications of dyshidrosis?
For some individuals, the skin condition is a mere itchy inconvenience. Though, for others, the itching and pain can bound their use of feet and hands. Moreover, intense scratching tends to invite bacterial infection to develop.
How is dyshidrosis diagnosed?
In majority cases, the doctor diagnoses the skin condition on the basis of a thorough physical exam. Clearly, no specific lab test determines dyshidrosis. However, in order to rule out some other skin conditions that mimic the symptoms of dyshidrosis, the doctor can recommend tests.
How is dyshidrosis treated?
Normally, the skin condition completes its course of three weeks. The doctor will first determine the symptoms severity before prescribing the treatment. Few treatment options he is more likely to consider include:
- Botulinum toxin injections.
- Immune-suppressing ointments.
- Phototherapy.
- Corticosteroids.
Since the exact cause that triggers the skin condition is yet unknown, thus there is no specific way in order to prevent dyshidrosis. Though, considering its risk factors might help. Such as avoiding metal salts exposure (for example nickel and chromium) and managing stress may somewhat help preventing the rare skin condition.
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By : Natural Health News