Ecthyma Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

What Is Ecthyma?
It is a skin infection marked by crusted sores, under which ulcers tend to form. Ecthyma is similar to impetigo since the particular bacterium known to instigate impetigo is responsible for causing this infection as well. Though, ecthyma roots deeper skin erosions.
In addition to this, staphylococcus aureus is the bacterium that causes the skin infection. It can affect anyone among us, regardless of our race, sex and ages, however elderly individuals, children and immunocompromised persons (such as patients of HIV, diabetes etc) are more prone to contract ecthyma.
What Are The Symptoms Of Ecthyma?
A prominent sign of the skin infection is a tiny pus-filled blister. Moreover, the blister tends to have a red border and is similar to the one of impetigo. As compared to impetigo, the specific infection spreads far deeper into your skin. A crusty ulcer is followed soon after the blister resolves.
When Is The Right Time To Seek Medical Assistance?
In case you have developed the above mentioned symptoms of ecthyma, do not delay to take an appointment with your doctor.
What Causes Ecthyma?
As mentioned earlier, the bacteria staphylococcus aureus is responsible for causing ecthyma. Besides, the bacteria named streptococcus pyogenes and pseudomonas can also trigger the skin infection.
What Are The Risk Factors Of Ecthyma?
Several factors identified for raising the risks of contracting ecthyma are:
- Humidity and high temperature such as tropical places.
- Crowed living and poor hygiene conditions.
- Untreated impetigo, especially in people with poor hygiene habits.
- Minor injuries for example scratches.
- Insect bites.
- Skin conditions such as dermatitis.
What Are The Potential Complications Of Ecthyma?
Several complications the skin infection can lead are:
- Permanent damage to the skin with scarring.
- Infection can spread to your other body parts.
How Is Ecthyma Diagnosed?
Often, doctors identify ecthyma on the basis of skin examination. However; in rare instances, the pus inside the blister is taken as a sample and is sent for lab testing, where it is closely examine. At times, skin biopsy can also be suggested.
How Is Ecthyma Treated?
Majority instances of ecthyma are treated with oral antibiotics (antibiotics that are taken by mouth). In addition to this, initial cases of the skin infection can be treated with topical antibiotics which the patient has to apply on the affected skin area. Besides, serious instances of ecthyma are treated with intravenous antibiotics (antibiotics that are given by means of a vein).
The doctor can suggest peroxide washes or antiseptic soap in order to pace recovery.
Home Remedy:
Take a piece of cloth, and dip it into warm water. Now place it over your affected skin area. This can help eliminate ulcer crusts.
What Is The Prognosis Of Ecthyma?
At times, ecthyma, the skin infection can lead to scarring.
What Is The Prevention Of Ecthyma?
It is important to clean your skin after receiving any injury for example scratch or bite. One must never pick at sores or scratch scabs.
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By : Natural Health News