Ectopic Pregnancy Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment
What Is Ectopic Pregnancy?
An ectopic pregnancy (EP) is a condition in which a fertilized egg settles and grows in any location other than the inner lining of the uterus.
The vast majority of ectopic pregnancies is so-called tubal pregnancies and occurs in the Fallopian tube. However, they can occur in other locations, such as the ovary, cervix, and abdominal cavity.
Classifications Of Ectopic Pregnancy:
Ectopic pregnancy can be classifies into the following categories:
- Tubal pregnancy
- Non-tubal ectopic pregnancy
- Heterotopic pregnancy
- Persistent ectopic pregnancy
- Pregnancy of unknown location
Causes Of Ectopic Pregnancy:
Tubal pregnancies, the most common ectopic pregnancy, are caused by a damaged fallopian tube.
Other than this, the following factors increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy:
- Hormonal imbalance
- pelvic inflammatory disease
- infertility
- use of anintrauterine device (IUD)
- previous exposure toDES
- tubal surgery
- intrauterine surgery (e.g.D&C)
- smoking
- previous ectopic pregnancy
- endometriosis
- tubal ligation
Symptoms Of Ectopic Pregnancy:
Patients generally show the following symptoms:
- Severe abdominal or pelvic pain accompanied by vaginal bleeding
- Extreme lightheadedness or fainting
- Shoulder pain
- Spotting
- Nausea and vomiting with pain
- Lower abdominal pain
- Sharp abdominal cramps
- Pain on one side of the body
Diagnosis Of Ectopic Pregnancy:
The following exams and tests are used to diagnose ectopic pregnancy:
- Pelvic exam
- Ultrasound
- Transvaginal ultrasonography
- Performing laparoscopy
Treatment Of Ectopic Pregnancy:
Treatment for ectopic pregnancy can be broadly categorized into surgical treatment and medications.
- Medications:
If the ectopic pregnancy is detected early, an injection of the drug methotrexate is sometimes used to stop cell growth and dissolve existing cells.
- Surgical treatment
Surgeons use laparoscopy or laparotomy to gain access to the pelvis and can either incise the affected Fallopian and remove only the pregnancy (salpingostomy) or remove the affected tube with the pregnancy (salpingectomy)
By : Natural Health News