Febrile Seizure Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

What is febrile seizure?
Febrile seizure is basically a fit in young children which can be triggered due to increased body temperature- fever, usually from an infection. Febrile seizure can last for few minutes however watching a child experiencing a fit can be frightening. It signifies a unique reaction of the brain to fever. Luckily, febrile seizure is not life-threatening as it may look. Usually, it is harmless, whilst does not warn an ongoing or long-term problem. One can help a child during a fit by keeping her safe, whilst offering relaxation afterward. Moreover, after the occurrence of a febrile seizure, immediately call a doctor for evaluating the child.
What are the symptoms of febrile seizure?
Its symptoms tend to range from minor (eyes rolling) to severe (tightening or shaking of the body’s muscles). Moreover, a child experiencing a fir can:
- Have a body temperate above 100.4 F.
- Roll the eyes back.
- Shake the legs and arms on both body sides.
- Unconsciousness.
What causes febrile seizure?
Usually, febrile seizures strike due to a sudden increase in the body temperature. Mostly, the fevers responsible for triggering a fits are caused due to a viral or bacterial infection in the child’s body. Chances of experiencing febrile seizures also increase after having certain immunizations for example tetanus or MMR vaccinations.
What are the risk factors of febrile seizure?
Few factors that increase the likelihood of a fit include:
- Family history of febrile seizure.
- Febrile seizures are more commonly witnessed in young children, mostly between the ages of 6 months – 5 years.
What are the potential complications of febrile seizure?
Even though, a fit can create panic and fear, however fortunately, most instances of febrile seizures are not harmful and serious. They do not produce any lasting effects. Moreover, simple FS don’t cause mental retardation or brain damage, whilst does not mean or indicates towards any serious underlying condition. However, chances of recurrent febrile seizures are the only complication associated with febrile seizure. It is observed that around 33 percent of children experience recurrent febrile seizure after having the first, with a following fever.
How is febrile seizure diagnosed?
After having a febrile seizure, the doctor will conduct:
- A thorough physical examination.
- Urine tests.
- Blood tests.
The above mentioned tests will help the doctor to find out the possible triggers of seizure and fever.
How is febrile seizure treated?
Clearly, it is not important to reduce the level of temperature in order to stop a fit. Thus, avoid giving fever medications in a seizure, as it can increase the chances of choking. Or, do not put the child in some cooling water tub. Let her/him lie on the bed or carpet. Usually, fits stop on their own, taking some minutes. However, if it lasts for over ten minutes, or in case the child has recurrent febrile seizure, immediately take him/her to the nearest hospital.
In case the fit lasts for over fifteen minutes, then the child will receive medications (either intravenously or through the rectum) in order to stop it.
(In rare case, the doctors can advice hospitalization if the fits are prolonged).
By : Natural Health News