
Fitness of youngsters who vape ‘is just as bad as smokers of same age’, study reveals

According to a study, young vapers perform worse during workouts than their friends who do not use e-cigarettes and record performances comparable to smokers of the same age.

Researchers said the results cast doubt on the notion that vaping is a healthier option than smoking and add to the body of research showing prolonged vaping usage is detrimental.

A team from Manchester Metropolitan University conducted the study, which involved 60 individuals in their 20s with normal lung function.

A further third had been vaping for at least two years, a final third had been smoking for two years or longer, and a third were neither smokers nor vapers.

On a stationary bike, each participant engaged in an incremental activity test. This is the gold standard for assessing a person’s physical capacity and ability to tolerate exercise; it measures their muscles, heart, and lungs at escalating intensities until they reach their maximal responses.

Additionally, an ultrasound scan and blood tests were performed to assess the health of their arteries. According to analysis, the young vapers’ “peak exercise capacity” was lower—186 watts as opposed to 226 watts—than the group of people who did not smoke or vape. This metric represents the highest level of physical effort an individual may accomplish.

In comparison to the group that did not smoke or vape, vapers and smokers consumed an average of 2.7 liters, 2.6 liters, and 3 liters per minute less oxygen during peak exertion.

Blood tests and ultrasonography scans showed that the blood vessels in smokers and vapers were not functioning as well as those in the non-smoking and non-vaping group.

Even before they achieved their maximal exercise level, the smokers and vapers also experienced increased degrees of leg weariness, dyspnea, and blood lactate levels, which indicate muscle exhaustion. During the European Respiratory Society (ERS) Congress in Vienna, Dr. Azmy Faisal presented the results. “While using the exercise bikes, there was measurable excess breathing by the vapers and smokers,” he stated. They were less fit overall, had trouble breathing, and had increased muscle tiredness.

“Our research suggests that vaping is not superior to smoking in this regard.”

“Vapes are being sold cheaply and in a variety of flavors to appeal to young people,” stated Dr. Filippos Filippidis, a reader in public health at Imperial College London and member of the ERS tobacco control committee.

Because of this, an increasing number of young people are forming the habit without realizing the potential long-term health effects.

“Those who use vape products should be aware that using these products could make them less fit and able to participate in exercise,” he continued. The dangers of vaping should be known to medical professionals and decision-makers, and every effort should be made to encourage youth and young adults to abstain from or stop vaping.

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