Genital Warts Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

What are genital warts?
Condylomata acuminate, venereal warts or genital warts tend to be among the common forms of infections or diseases that are sexually transmitted. Almost half of entire sexually active individuals will get infected with HPV, (human papilomavirus) that triggers genital warts someday during their life span.
Furthermore, females are more likely to develop the condition as compared to men. As its name states, it tend to affect the genital areas wherein the moist tissue are its soft target. The genital warts can appear like small bumps usually of red or pink in color. In few cases, they may appear like a cauliflower. Though, in majority cases, such warts are very tiny to be noticeable.
Moreover, few genital HPV strains can trigger genital warts, whereas others can trigger a more serious disease, cancer! Thankfully, vaccines can greatly help defending against particular genital HPV strains.
What are the symptoms of genital warts?
Particularly in females, GW can develop on their vulva (vagina walls), area between anus and external genitals, the cervix and their anal canal. In men, genital warts can develop on the shaft or tip of the penis, the anus or the scrotum. The condition can also occur in the throat or mouth of an individual who performed oral sex with the infected individual.
Symptoms of GW are:
- Some warts that are close together forming the shape of a cauliflower.
- Discomfort or itching in the genital area.
- Small, gray or flesh-colored swelling in the genital area.
- Bleeding with sex.
Genital warts often are flat and very tiny enough to get visible through our naked eyes. Though, they can multiply forming large clusters.
What causes genital warts?
Well, as mentioned before, HPV, human papillomavirus triggers genital warts. There tend to be above 40 various HPV strains that particularly affect our genital area. Moreover, genital HPV gets spread by means of sexual contact. Interestingly, in majority of the cases, our immune system protect us against the virus by killing it, thus, many of us would never develop the infection’s symptoms.
What are the complications of genital warts?
Complications that may trigger due to genital warts are:
- Cancer.
- Problems throughout and during pregnancy.
How is genital warts diagnosed?
Often, it’s difficult detecting the condition. A mild acid solution (acetic) can help diagnosing the condition when applied to the genitals. It whitens the warts, enabling the doctor to see them using a colposcope.
- The pap tests:
Particularly for females, it is essential to have pap tests and pelvic exams regularly, which can greatly help detecting cervical and vaginal changes caused due to early cervical cancer signs or genital warts.
- HPV test:
Few genital HPV types have been associated to cervical cancer. Cervical cells sample which is taken during your Par test is tested for such HPV strains that can cause cancer.
How is genital warts treated?
You will not need any treatment for genital warts in case the condition is not causing you discomfort. Though, in case you experience burning, pain and itching, the doctor can recommend you 2 treatment options for clearing the outbreak:
- Medications:
Treatments of genital wart that you can directly apply on your skin are:
- Imiquimod.
- Podofilox and podophyllin.
- Trichloroacetic acid.
- Surgery:
Larger warts that may not respond to the prescribed medications would need surgery options:
- Cryotherapy.
- Electrocautery.
- Surgical excision.
- Laser treatments.
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By : Natural Health News