Gilbert Syndrome Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

What Is Gilbert Syndrome?
Gilbert Syndrome is a common genetic liver disorder found in 3-12% of the population.
It produces elevated levels of unconjugated bilirubin in the bloodstream.
However, it normally has no serious consequences, although mild jaundice may appear under conditions of exertion or stress.
Cause Of Gilbert’s Syndrome:
Gilbert is caused due to presence of an abnormal gene, one inherits from their parents.
The gene in question normally controls an enzyme that helps break down bilirubin in the liver.
With an ineffective gene, excess amounts of bilirubin build in the bloodstream.
The presence of the following factors increases the likelihood of developing Gilbert’s syndrome:
• Both parents carry the abnormal gene that causes the disorder
• Being male
Symptoms Of Gilbert’s Syndrome:
The following signs and symptoms are exhibited by those who suffer from Gilbert’s Syndrome:
• Jaundice
• feeling tired all the time (fatigue),
• difficulty maintaining concentration,
• unusual patterns of anxiety,
• loss of appetite,
• nausea,
• abdominal pain,
• loss of weight,
• itching (with no rash),
• diarrhea
• neutropenia
• Gallstones
Diagnosis Of Gilbert’s Syndrome:
After the initial procedures of taking a medical history and physical examination, a doctor may confirm diagnosis of Gilbert’s Syndrome via the following tests:
• Complete blood count
• Liver function tests
Treatment Of Gilbert’s Syndrome:
Gilbert’s Syndrome itself does not require any treatment.
Where jaundice is an issue, enzyme inductors such as Carbamazepine and Phenobarbital can reduce unconjugated bilirubin levels and may relieve other associated symptoms of Gilbert’s Syndrome.
Furthermore, it can be minimized by slightly modifying the person’s diet
By : Natural Health News