Health Benefits of Banana Diet

As we know that bananas are not only tasty, they are also healthy and have also potassium, protein, calcium. Banana diet is high in carbohydrates and natural sugar with one large banana containing 31.06 total carb grams and 16.63 grams of sugar. Used of banana in your daily life give benefits to your body.You can also control on your weight because weight loss is the major problem especially for women. It is a tasty and fat way to shed extra pounds instead of eat other tasteless food. Banana diet can help to reach your weight loss and provide nutrients that regulate heart rhythm. There are many benefits of banana like it have Potassium, B vitamin and magnesium they do not contain any fat or cholesterol. Banana diet makes your heart, bones, kidneys and nervous system healthy and strong. Banana diet can also keep your eyes healthy. Because it has small amount of vitamin A, a fat-soluble vitamin that is vital to save your eyes and normal vision. Some are the health benefits which are link with bananas. You can prevent yourself by different health problems like
Control on blood pressure: Banana contains both potassium and magnesium play vital roles to stable blood pressure normal.
Heart health: Banana is also good for heart health because the fiber, potassium and Vitamin C in bananas prevent your heart from heart diseases.
Cancer: Bananas is a source of Vitamin C, it helps combat the formation of free radicals known to cause cancer.
Asthma: Bananas is more benefits for children who ate one banana per day because there is less 34% chances of asthma.
Preserving memory: Bananas have also tryptophan, an amino acid which play role to preserving your memory.
Banana diet Facts:
Bananas are usually free from fat and cholesterol free. Use mashed bananas when you are making cookies.
It also contain for their high potassium with 400 mg potassium in a single medium size of banana because the potassium in bananas can protect you from muscle cramps after exercise.
Bananas are mostly easy to digest because when you are ill by any infection virus, bananas can be appealing way to get some important nutrients without cause any affect to your stomach.
Banana Diet Plans can also keep your eyes healthy. Because it has small amount of vitamin A, a fat-soluble vitamin that is vital to save your eyes and normal vision.
Like many fruits, bananas is also good source to get vitamin C. one banana give about 10 mg of vitamin C. it boosts your immune system and also cell health.
Bananas is not just good for healthy eating but also called best for your skin food. Vitamin B in bananas will protect your skin from harmful radicals which can cause premature aging.
By : Natural Health News