Athlete’s Foot Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

What is Athlete’s Foot?
It is basically a fungal infection which mostly starts between your toes. Most commonly, it occurs in individuals whose feet become extremely sweaty when confined inside the shoes that are tight and fitted. Symptoms include scaly rash which mostly causes burning, stinging and itching. In addition to this, the condition is contagious whilst spread through contaminated floors, clothing or towels.
What are the Symptoms of Athlete’s Foot?
The conditions normally causes red scaly rash which typically starts in between your toes. In addition to this, itching is another common symptom you will notice after taking off your socks and shoes. Few kinds of the condition feature ulcers and blisters. However a great variety of the condition tends to cause scaling on your soles and chronic dryness.
Such infection may affect both or single feet of yours and can also spread to the hand, in case you touch or scratch the infected feet parts.
When is the high time to see a doctor?
In case you notice rash on the foot which does not tend to improve even after self treatment for weeks, call up for an appointment. Moreover, if you are suffering from diabetes and have doubts of having the condition or if you observed swelling, redness, fever or drainage, immediately consult a doctor.
What are the Causes of Athlete’s Foot?
It is caused due to the same kind of fungus which causes jock itch and ringworm. Furthermore, damp shoes and sock and humid and warm conditions also favor the growth of the organisms.
What are the risk factors?
An individual is more likely to have athlete’s foot if:
• He is a man
• Wear tight shoes and damp socks frequently.
• Share bed linens, mats, shoes, clothes, or rugs with a fungal infected person.
• In the public areas walk barefoot where the chances of spreading infection is more such as saunas, locker rooms, communal baths, swimming pools and showers.
• Whose immune system is weak.
What are the complications?
The infection can easily spread to few other body parts of yours, such as:
• Your nails.
• Your hands.
• Your groin.
How is Athlete’s Foot Diagnosed?
In few cases, the doctor can easily diagnose the condition by thorough examination of the feet. In order to confirm the condition, the doctor can:
• Take samples or skin scrapings from your infected area in order to view them through a microscope.
• Take a very small skin sample to send it to the lab for testing.
• View the feet under the black light using the wood’s light.
How is Athlete’s Foot Treated?
If the condition is mild, over-the-counter antifungal lotion, spray, ointment or powder can be suggested by the doctor. If the condition fails to responds, than you will need prescription-strength medication for applying on the affected feet. Moreover, severe infections need antifungal pills for you to consume.
Discuss the preventions:
To ease your symptoms or avoid the condition always:
• Change your socks regularly.
• Keep the feet dry, particularly between the toes.
• Wear well-ventilated, light shoes.
• Apply antifungal powder, daily on the feet.
• Never walk bare footed particularly in the public place.
• Avoid wearing a same pair every day, arrange an alternate pair.
By : Natural Health News