Health: Lifestyle over prescriptions

Numerous articles and publications discuss how doctors aspire to go to the next level after seeing patients advance. Numerous surveys have indicated that the majority of doctors would not opt to quit in various circumstances. Stroke is the most serious condition.
An increased risk of strokes has been associated with years of high systolic blood pressure (the number at the top) during adulthood, according to research headed by Michigan Medicine and published in JAMA Network Open. In this study, the average systolic blood pressure of more than 40,000 adults who were at least 18 years old, had never had a stroke, and were years ahead of their first stroke was examined.
According to the data, there is a 20% increased risk of both ischemic stroke and total stroke, along with a 31% increased risk of intracerebral hemorrhage, if one’s average systolic blood pressure is 10 mm higher than average. Put differently, elevated blood pressure, even if it’s only slightly elevated, poses a risk. I compare it to a fire hose on drywall when I talk to my patients. It eventually makes a breakthrough.
I was taught that the majority of the time, high blood pressure, or hypertension, was produced by anything that was classified as “idiopathic,” which means that the parents, or another factor, is to blame. This is untrue, as we now know. Most of the time, high blood pressure is caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. The list includes being overweight, having a fatty liver, being highly stressed, having sleep disorders including obstructive sleep apnea, going through menopause, and constantly using stimulants to stay up.
Of course, medication is helpful, and I regularly write prescriptions for blood pressure meds for my patients. But if reality set in, altering one’s habits would probably help, if not completely solve the problem. No medication is required. There’s no need to suffer a crippling stroke that permanently alters your family’s dynamics and your quality of life. There’s no need for a brain bleed brought on by years of elevated blood pressure to cause an abrupt death.
If you have high blood pressure, you must use medicine for short-term risk reduction; nevertheless, you can address the issue by making lifestyle modifications! Substances have their limits. Modifications in lifestyle are sustainable.