Lead Posioning – Lead Accumulation In Body

Accumulation of lead in your body can cause lead poisoning. Even, building up of small lead amounts, can trigger serious health issues. Children, under six years of age are at a higher risk to develop the condition, which leads negative impact on their physical and mental development. In case of high levels of lead in the body, the condition can turn fatal.
Lead-contaminated dust and lead-based paint in some older buildings serves as the sources to trigger lead poisoning particularly in children. Whereas other sources tend to include soil, water and contaminated air. Whilst, an individual whose work involves with batteries, work in an auto repair shop or do building or home renovation is at a higher risk to develop lead poisoning due to lead exposure.
Even though, there are numerous treatment options available for the condition, yet the ideal solution is to avoid lead exposure through simple precautions.
What are the symptoms of lead poisoning?
In children, the symptoms include:
- Irritability, weight loss, appetite loss, learning difficulties, developmental delay, fatigue and sluggishness, hearing loss, constipation, vomiting and abdominal pain.
In newborn (babies which are lead exposed before their birth) the symptoms include:
- Slowed growth, learning difficulties.
In adults, the symptoms include:
- Memory loss, headache, tingling or pain of extremities, decline in the functioning of brain, premature birth or miscarriage in pregnant women, mood disorders, muscle pain, joint pains, abnormal sperm, constipation, abdominal pain and high blood pressure.
What causes lead poisoning?
Lead poisoning is caused by lead. This metal is found in the crust of earth, however human activities such manufacturing, burning fossil fuels and mining has caused lead to get more widespread. Previously, it was used in gasoline and paint; however, nowadays it is used in roofing materials, pottery, pipes, solder, batteries and few cosmetics.
What are the risk factors of lead poisoning?
Few factors that increase the chance of developing the condition include:
- Young children and infants.
- Living in older homes or developing countries. (Often such countries have no or less strict laws for lead exposure).
- Certain hobbies for example refinishing your old furniture or making stained glasses.
Mention the complications lead poisoning may lead?
Even the lower levels of lead exposure tend to cause damage sooner or later (months or years) specifically in children. Brain development is at the highest risk where permanent damage can occur. Moreover, higher levels stake the nervous system and kidney in both adults and children. Extremely high levels can cause unconsciousness, seizures and even death.
How is lead poisoning diagnosed?
The doctor will perform a thorough physical exam in order to see for the signs; he will also ask you to detail certain questions. In case he doubts of lead poisoning, the doctor will then suggest you blood test for noticing the lead amount in your blood.
How is lead poisoning treated?
Simply by avoiding the source, (in case it is avoidable), you can avoid or reduce lead levels from your blood. For some severe cases, the doctor can suggest:
- Chelation therapy.
- EDTA therapy.
By : Natural Health News