Acoustic Neuroma Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

What Is Acoustic Neuroma ?
It is a rare, benign growth/tumor that progresses gradually. Development of the tumor occurs on the nerve that leads from the inner year to the brain. Since the nerve’s branches impacts our hearing and balance, therefore pressure from the tumor can result in hearing loss and unsteadiness.
The health condition is also called as vestibular schwannoma. Often the tumor progresses gradually; however in some cases, it does not grow at all. On the contrary, for some, it grows on a faster pace and get enlarged enough to affect your vital function by pressing against your brain.
What Are The Symptoms Of Acoustic Neuroma ?
Effects on your nerve lead to the development of symptoms. However, symptoms may also arise due to the growth pressing on the brain structures, nearby nerves or blood vessels. Common symptoms include:
- Dizziness.
- Hearing loss.
- Ringing in your affected ear.
- Facial numbness.
- Loss of balance.
- Weakness.
Quire rarely, the growth associated with the medical condition tends to enlarge into such an extent that it manages to compress your brainstem, consequently putting your life at a risk!
When Is The Right Time To Seek Medical Assistance ?
In case of noticing problems with the balance or with the hearing in a particular ear, it is advice to seek immediate medical assistance, as early treatment can help in preventing the tumor to enlarge, consequently saving you from its lasting complications.
What Causes Of Acoustic Neuroma ?
Its cause is believed to be the faulty gene on chromosome 22. In the normal course of action, the particular gene is responsible for making a protein. The production of Schwann cells (that covers our nerves) is controlled by the help of this protein. Though, what actually causes the malfunction of the gene is yet to be known.
What Are The Complications Of Acoustic Neuroma ?
The health condition can lead to some lasting complications such as:
- Facial numbness.
- Hearing loss.
- Balancing difficulties.
As mentioned earlier, large tumors can manage to push on the blood stem, disturbing the regular flow of fluid that occurs between the brain and spinal cord. In addition to this, such can result in the accumulation of fluid in the head, a medical condition known as hydrocephalus, raising the pressure within the skull.
How Is Acoustic Neuroma Diagnosis ?
As the symptoms associated with the medical condition develop slowly, and since its signs for example hearing loss tends to the symptoms of other inner and middle ear problems, therefore, the doctor cannot just simply diagnose acoustic neuroma in the initial stages. The health care provider will perform an examination of the ear, after being detailed with the symptoms of the patient. He or she can then suggest the below mentioned tests:
- Hearing test.
- Scans.
Based on the tests results, the doctor will be able to diagnosed acoustic neuroma precisely.
How Is Acoustic Neuroma Treatment ?
Its treatment may include the following:
- Frequent monitoring.
- Surgical removal.
- Radiation.
By : Natural Health News