Hydrocele Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

What is Hydrocele
Hydrocele is basically a fluid-filled sac that tends to surround the testicle of a male. It causes the scrotum to swell. The condition is common particularly in newborn babies, however many hydroceles resolves on their own without any treatment. Adult and older males may develop the condition because of an injury or inflammation within their testicle. Normally, it does not causes pain, whilst is not dangerous.
What are the symptoms of hydrocele?
Swelling of a single or both the testicles is a prominent sign of hydrocele. The swelling may not cause pain. Adult males can experience discomfort due to the weight of their swollen scrotum.
What causes hydrocele?
The condition can develop within the womb for newborn boys, however in older men; it can develop due to an injury or inflammation within their testicle.
What are the risk factors of hydrocele?
Clearly, most cases of Hydrocele are congenital, (present at the time of birth), however premature deliveries increased the chances of developing hydrocele in new born boys. Furthermore, risk factors of hydrocele that occur later in the lifespan are:
- Infection, such as sexually transmitted infections.
- Scrotal injury.
What are the potential complications of hydrocele?
Typically, hydrocele has nothing to do with fertility, hence does not tend to affect a man’s fertility. In addition to this, hydrocele is not dangerous. Though, hydrocele can be linked with an underlying scrotal condition which may lead dangerous complications:
- Inguinal hernia.
- Tumor.
- Infection.
How is hydrocele diagnosed?
In order to diagnose hydrocele, the doctor will perform a thorough physical exam. This will help him uncover your enlarged testicle. The doctor will press the scrotum or abdomen which will result in shrinking or enlarging the sac, this tends to signal towards the linked inguinal hernia.
Since the fluid present in the sac is not clear in usual cases, the doctor can conduct transillumination, that will involve shining a light right through your testicles. In case of hydrocele, the scrotum will turn outlined by the light, signaling towards the presence of fluid surrounding it.
In case the doctor doubts the condition is triggered due to inflammation, he or she can suggest urine and blood tests in order to find out whether or not the patient have infection, for example Epididymitis.
In rare cases, the doctor can suggest ultrasound imaging tests.
How is hydrocele treated?
Particularly for the baby boys, the condition resolves on its own after completing its due course of one year. Though, if it does not resolve even after a year, or enlarges persistently, then surgery is needed to remove the hydrocele. For adult and older males, the condition resolves on its own with the time span of six months. It may need treatment if it becomes large and heavy enough, causing disfigurement or discomfort. The doctor can suggest the surgery option for removing the hydrocele, treatment approaches tend to include:
- Needle aspiration.
- Surgical excision (hydrocelectomy).
Clearly speaking, hydrocele may recur even after being treated.
By : Natural Health News