8 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Lichen Planus

Lichen Planus
A skin condition can cause severe distress. 90% of respondents to an American Academy of Dermatology study of 1,675 lichen planus patients reported lower self-esteem and self-confidence, 54% reported anxiety and helplessness, and more than half said they avoided face-to-face contact. Lichen planus is a condition that causes purple lesions on the skin and/or inside the mouth.
Lichen planus is a somewhat common skin ailment that arises in intervals, lasting for months to years. It is a skin condition that typically impacts the lips, scalp, nails, skin, and/or genitalia. It is a persistent, non-infectious, autoimmune skin disorder characterised by flat, reddish to purplish eruptions on any part of the body.
8 Natural Treatments for Lichen Planus
1. Turmeric
According to a study published in the National Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery, a turmeric ointment may help in modifying the appearance and discomfort of oral lichen planus. Although the size of this pilot trial was limited, the researchers believe that curcumin’s anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antibacterial qualities may also be able to slow the formation of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, a known risk factor for oral lichen planus.
The health advantages of turmeric are well known, and studies have shown that it can reduce pain and inflammation, two symptoms that are typically treated with corticosteroids, antihistamines, and prescription painkillers. Choose a supplement that contains piperine if you plan to take one because it significantly increases the absorption of turmeric.
Try a turmeric face mask to relieve the itching and pain on your skin, but please use caution as it will stain your skin and clothing if left on for an extended period of time. Tea made with turmeric may aid in healing while relieving pain and discomfort.
2. Vitamin A
As mentioned above, retinoid-based medications are frequently used in traditional therapies to help reduce many of the symptoms. Vitamin A also supports healthy skin and mucous membranes, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Increasing your vitamin A intake may be beneficial because lichen planus attacks these two systems.
Eat more vitamin A-rich foods during an outbreak, such as winter squash, raw carrots, sweet potatoes, kale, and beef liver from grass-fed cows. Vitamin A strengthens the immune system and combats inflammation, two components that work together to battle lichen planus, in addition to curing the rash.
3. Folate
44 percent of the study participants who had oral lichen planus were found to be folate deficient, according to researchers from the Department of Oral Medicine at Chulalongkorn University in Thailand. The researchers suggested taking vitamins every day. It’s interesting to note that the same group’s B12 levels were within normal range.
People with liver disease and those taking certain medications, such as diuretics and those used to treat diabetes, are at risk for a folate deficiency. As indicated above, liver problems, diuretics and diabetes drugs can raise your risk of getting this disease. Folate-rich foods from the legume family, such as garbanzo beans, pinto beans, and lentils, as well as beets, asparagus, avocados, and beef liver, should be a part of any therapy regimen.
4. Epsom Salt Baths
Used for decades to ease tight muscles and purify the body, Epsom salt can bring relief. It is well known for assisting with stress relief, toxin removal, and pain and inflammation relief. 2 cups of Epsom salt should be added to a warm bath, and it should be stirred about with your arm. For optimal effects, soak for at least 30 minutes. Additionally, the addition of your preferred essential oils can offer further assistance.
5. Tea Tree Oil
The advantages of tea tree oil are well established. My recipe for itchy scalp shampoo may offer some relief while treating lichen planus on the scalp. Tea tree oil, coconut oil, aloe vera, apple cider vinegar, and raw honey are the main components, and they all contain antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral characteristics. Additionally, they help with the usual itching associated with this illness.
A mouthwash with tea tree oil in it may help your oral lichen planus recover, especially the erosive and bullous kinds. However, if you feel any discomfort, stop using the product right away. For some people, it could irritate their mouths even more and create more pain.
6. Coconut Oil
Coconut pulling twice day may help with the symptoms of oral lichen planus. By removing the toxins from your mouth, the procedure aids in detoxification. Killing bad breath, easing dry mouth, lowering inflammation, and boosting the immune system are a few advantages.
Applying coconut oil to lichen planus-affected skin might lessen the pain, burning, and itching that comes with the condition. Apply frequently throughout the day, or as needed.
7. Oats
Oats are frequently used in natural beauty treatments as a mild exfoliant and skin emollient. Sloughing off the dead skin helps reduce itching and enhance the appearance of the lesions and blisters as they change over the course of the disease. Oats and raw yoghurt are combined, and after 20 minutes at room temperature, a quarter portion of raw honey is added. Spread freely over the afflicted areas, then give it 10 to 15 minutes to set. Rinse well in warm water, then pat yourself dry.
8. Sunshine
This ailment can be successfully treated using photochemotherapy, one of the above described conventional therapies. However, negative effects might happen and maintaining continued therapies can be difficult.
Direct, uncovered sun exposure can hasten the healing process and ease discomfort in addition to curing vitamin D insufficiency. Prioritize spending at least 15 minutes per day in the sun without sunscreen while you have lichen planus. The middle of the day is when exposure periods are most ideal. Therefore, during this time, try to expose the affected area by rolling up your sleeves or pant legs.
Herbal Treatment for Lichen Planus
There are some Herbal Remedies for Lichen Planus that could work. The benefit of using a Herbal supplement for Lichen Planus is that it is safe and probably won’t have any negative side effects.
Plenical is the medication used to treat lichen planus. It contains herbal components that are excellent for skin health and human health. Ashwagandha, Liliaceae, Gum Benjamin, Ammonium Chloride, and Myrobalan are some of its ingredients. After utilising the medication, the skin layer becomes fine and regenerated. The Herbal Care Products contain it. There are no negative side effects. The herbal remedy takes time to act but resolves the issue completely. It helps the patient return to normal and gets rid of the causes of the issue. Because Plenical tablets treat the interior of every location, there is no need to approach the genital areas or the lesion inside the mouth. The things are treated by the interior consequences of the issue because the ointments cannot reach such regions.