8 Healthy Foods to Eat In 2017 Summer Season

Summer is the hottest season of the year. 2017 is the season of .the scorching and killing sun, of humid heat and increasing temperatures. It is the season of beaches, cool waters, holidays and fluids. It is Summer time. Usually summers last for around 3 months in Asia starting from April to June and are exactly testing times for one. With the rising global temperatures and unbearable heat, one needs to take extreme good care of oneself during this hot season time. Besides of course drinking lots of water and other fluids to keep hydrated is just the most important thing to do. The right kind of Food in summer season is also important.
Eat Healthy at the Beach
Ice cream stands and high-calorie BBQ are bound to put a damper on your diet, so stay obvious of these temptations by being prepared. Pack a cooler with ice, sandwiches on whole grain breads, bottled water, hummus, pita chips, yogurt and lots of fruit. With Healthy Eating you will feel healthier and happier after your day at the beach.
During summer the risk of dehydration is more than other seasons. It is because of the heat and sweating. Watermelon has high constituent of water. At least 92% weight of watermelon is due to its water content. Eating watermelon during summer is thus hydrating and refreshing you. It is a rich source of vitamin C and A, lycopene and potassium. Reduction of potassium through sweating is general cause for muscle cramps in summer. Eating watermelon is surest way to refill electrolyte and acid base balance in the body during summer.
Read about: Refreshing Watermelon Smoothie
Include fluid-filled vegetables like tomatoes and cucumbers which have high water content in them to keep one hydrated during summers. Cucumbers are crunchy and tasty. It contains fibre and keeps constipation at bay. Cool as Cucumber there. Tomatoes can be used raw as well as eaten in the form of vegetables and chutneys also. Onions have astounding cooling properties as well. One can add it to their salads, vegetables, chutneys, dips and curries.
Read about: Vegetables in Your Diet
Summers are a time to indulge with the king of fruits. Make sure you indulge in the whole thing mango. Mango milkshakes, pudding, Aamras, ice-cream, and the good old kairi with a tinge of chaat, red chili powder and salt on it.
Ice cream
Ice creams have no season but summers are a particular reason to gorge on ice creams without the risk of cough and cold. So throw the diet plan out of the window and indulge in some ice cream sin and enjoy.
Muskmelon should be part of summer Diet. Its high water content helps to stay hydrated. It is also good for the digestive system. As it is a great source of potassium, vitamin C, folic acid and vitamin A. It also reduces vomiting sensation.
Yogurt and Buttermilk
Yogurt and butter milk are soothing for stomach. Both are helpful during hot summer as they contain healthy bacteria which help in sluggish digestion during summer. Besides buttermilk provides the most required water for replenishing the lost fluid due to perspiration.
Lemon Juice and Lime
During summer urinary tract problems are common occurrence. Drinking one or two glasses of lemon juice is a healthy drink for flushing out bacteria from the urinary area. It is a mild diuretic and detoxifying agent. Extract lemon juice from one or two lemons. Add the content in water. Drink this nourishing liquid with added ingredients of your option. Also lemon juice with add 1 tablespoon of sugar and salt is a natural electrolyte which replenishes lost salt and water from the body.
Read about: Benefits of Lemon juice Diet
Green Salad
Summer is the best time to eat green salad in lot of amount. The ingredients in it are generally grown fresh during this period of year. Different salads consisting colored peppers, spinach, bitter green etc are important source of nutrition as you eat light meal.
Read about: This Spicy Chicken Salad Recipe for Lunch
Cool cucumber is a great source of fluid and minerals. At the same time it is low in calorie. Eating cucumber during summer is helpful for gastrointestinal tract. It has mild antibacterial properties. It thus areas of germs that are known to cause stomach flu and other problems such as diarrhea and vomiting. It is protective to the skin as it replenishes moisture which is much wanted to nourish the skin during summer.
Full of nutrients and phytochemicals, plums are light in calories but heavy on flavor. And they also make a delicious dessert! Indulge without ruining your diet with this recipe for plum cakes.
Natural Health News hopes this article useful in knowing about the goodness of summer foods for everyone. Done right, you can sneak lots of protein, veggies, calcium, and fiber into these snacks.
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