Motion Sickness Symptoms, Causes, Complications, Diagnosis and Treatment

What Is Motion Sickness?
It is a common concern in individuals who travel by train, car, boats and airplanes. However; it is more common particularly in people who travel by means of boats. The condition can begin abruptly, with cold sweats and nauseous feeling. Moreover, these symptoms can be followed by vomiting, nausea and dizziness.
Mention the alternative names of motion sickness:
Motion sickness is also known by the following names:
- Air sickness.
- Car sickness.
- Seasickness.
- Travel sickness.
What Are The Symptoms Of Motion Sickness?
The condition is characterized by a group of unpleasant signs, for example vomiting, nausea and dizziness, which can develop while the person is travelling. Early signs of motion sickness are:
- Vomiting.
- Increased saliva.
- Dizziness.
- Cold sweat.
- Pale skin.
Few individuals also develop the following symptoms:
- Extreme tiredness.
- Drowsiness.
- Headaches.
- Shallow, rapid breathing.
In majority instances, these signs improve as the body adjusts to the condition triggering your problem.
What Causes Of Motion Sickness?
Often, the condition is linked with traveling in a train, plane, ship or car. It is the disturbance of your inner ear, triggered by frequent motion, for example:
- By the movement of car.
- Swell of sea.
- Motion of plane in unstable air.
More specifically, in your inner ear, the condition affects the sense of equilibrium and balance.
What Are The Complications Of Motion Sickness?
Few complications, motion sickness can lead include:
- Nausea, followed by vomiting.
- Physiologic vertigo.
How Is Motion Sickness Diagnosed?
Motion sickness is detected on the basis of symptoms and determining when they appear.
How Is Motion Sickness Treatment?
To stop the motion, is the right way to treat the condition. However, if this is not possible, then sit in the particular area where motion is slightest.
- In case you are traveling in an airplane, it is advice to sit at a place close to the wings.
- Whereas, if you are inside a ship, move yourself to the center, or stay on its deck, while keeping your face towards the horizontal side.
In addition to the treatment of motion sickness, the doctor can prescribe medicine in order to avert or minimize the intensity of symptoms. Most medicines tend to work better in case of being taken before the travel. They work in many ways, few are sedatives, which reduces the motion effect, whereas other controls vomiting and nausea.
Many times, individuals seek alternative means for preventing the condition, for example:
- Wearing acupressure bands.
- Carrying ginger.
Even though, these are no proven methods with some scientific evidence of these being effective, however trying them is of no harm!
Besides, with individuals who experience intense symptoms of motion sickness, physical therapy can be a useful option. Though, to test this option, large studies have yet to be done.
By : Natural Health News