Nicotine Dependence Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment
What is nicotine dependence?
Nicotine dependence is basically the addiction of the drug nicotine which is commonly found in all tobacco products. The condition causes dependency of the substance, despite being greatly harmed, one cannot quit using it. Nicotine is a drug that tends leads momentarily delight by causing physical and mood-changing effects in the brain. Such effects make an individual keen in using tobacco products, leading to its dependence. Whilst, quitting the use of tobacco causes the signs to reduce including anxiety and bad temper.
Nicotine present in tobacco leads nicotine dependency; however some other substances found in tobacco tends to cause toxic effects. This is the reason why cancer, stroke and heart disease are more common in smokers as compared to nonsmokers.
No matter since how long one has been smoking, yet quitting it can greatly improve the health. A number of treatments have worked effectively for people struggling to stop and quit smoking.
What are the symptoms of nicotine dependency?
Few of its common signs include:
- Unable to quit smoking.
- Despite health issues, continue smoking.
- Giving up recreational or social activities for smoking managed to quit or stop smoking.
- Noticing withdrawal signs when managed to quit or stop smoking.
What causes nicotine dependency?
Basically, nicotine is a chemical found in tobacco which tends to keep a person smoking. In addition to this, delivering nicotine by means of breathing in tobacco smoke to your lungs is extremely addictive. It boosts the release of neurotransmitters- brain chemicals that help in regulating our behavior and mood. Dopamine, is among such neurotransmitters, that improves the mood, whilst activate the pleasure feelings.
What are the potential complications of nicotine dependence?
Clearly, tobacco smoke tends to contain above sixty chemicals identified as cancer-causing. Furthermore, it also contains a number of other injurious substances. Few associated complications include:
- Circulatory system and heart problems.
- Â Lung cancer.
- Cancers of mouth, throat, esophagus etc.
- Other lung diseases.
- Diabetes.
- Impotence and infertility.
- Eye problems.
- Pregnancy and delivery complications.
- Newborn complications.
- Gum and teeth disease.
- Weakened senses.
- Flu and cold.
- Premature aging.
How is nicotine dependence diagnosed?
The doctor will need complete details regarding the total quantity and interval timings of smoking cigarettes in order to identify your degree of nicotine dependency. This will help him or her prepare an effective treatment plan for your case.
How is nicotine dependence treated?
Of course, quitting tobacco smoking is the ultimate solution to the problem. However, a number of treatments including non-nicotine medications and nicotine replacement therapy are approved as effective and safe for treating the condition.
Around sixty percent of chain smokers die because of cigarette smoking. One must always avoid it, and discourage the usage of all tobacco products. The harmful effects on the health caused by nicotine and other injurious substances present in tobacco smoking must be highlighted. Parents must set example by avoiding or quitting cigarettes themselves first.
By : Natural Health News