Salmonella Infection Symptoms, Causes, Risk Factors, Diagnosis and Treatment

What Is Salmonella Infection ?
It is a common bacterial illness wherein the intestinal tract is affected. The bacteria responsible for causing the infection normally prevail in the human and animal intestines. These tend to shed by means of feces. Consumption of contaminated food or water serves as the basis to make an individual infected.
Many patients with the infection develop no signs at all, whereas others experience abdominal cramps, fever and diarrhea. Clearly, healthy people need no treatment and manage to recover within some days. Though for some, diarrhea can lead to intense dehydration, for such a case, prompt medical treatment becomes mandatory. Moreover, spreading of infection beyond the intestine can lead to some serious complications.
Visiting to places with poor sanitation conditions increases your chances of contracting salmonella infection.
What Are The Symptoms Of Salmonella Infection ?
As mentioned earlier, some patients with salmonella infection may not develop any indication.
Often, the infection is known to occur by consuming uncooked or under cooked meat, eggs, poultry etc. Few common symptoms of salmonella infection are as follow:
- Fever.
- Diarrhea.
- Abdominal cramps.
- Nausea.
- Chills.
- Vomiting.
- Bloody stools.
- Headache.
These aforementioned indications typically last for 3-7 days, even though; the bowel may take some months to recover completely.
What Causes Salmonella Infection ?
Salmonella infection is caused by a bacterium that exists in the intestines of birds, animals and people. In places with poor sanitation conditions, there are more chances of food and water to become contaminated with feces. As mentioned earlier, consuming contaminated food and water serves as the basis to spread the bacteria. In addition to this, some commonly infected food items can be:
- Raw eggs.
- Raw seafood, poultry and meat.
- Vegetables and fruits.
What Are The Risk Factors Of Salmonella Infection ?
A number of factors are known to increase the chances of salmonella infection, these are:
- Visiting places with poor sanitation conditions.
- Owing pet birds.
- We have several natural defenses to counteract salmonella infection in our body. Such as stomach acid.
Though, certain drugs or health conditions can affect these defenses. Such as:
- Inflammatory bowel disease.
- Antacids.
- Intake of antibiotics in the recent times.
In addition to this, the below mentioned drugs and health concerns seem to raise the chances of salmonella infection, by affecting the immune system:
- Corticosteroids.
- Anti-rejection drugs.
- Malaria.
- Sickle cell disease.
What Are The Complications Of Salmonella Infection ?
Often, salmonella infection causes no serious complications. Though the chances of complications exist in:
- Young children.
- Infants.
- Older adults.
- Pregnant females.
- Individuals with weak immune system.
- Transplant recipients.
Complications include dehydration, bacteremia and reactive arthritis.
How Is Salmonella Infection Diagnosed ?
For diagnosing salmonella infection, following can be helpful:
- Stool test.
- Blood test.
How Is Salmonella Infection Treated ?
The treatment revolves around replacing electrolytes and fluids. Besides, anti-diarrheal and antibiotics can also be prescribed.
By : Natural Health News