H.Pylori Infection Symptoms, Causes, Risk Factors, Complications, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention

What Is H.Pylori Infection ?
It is an illness known to arise when Helicobacter pylori, commonly known as H.pylori manages to infect the stomach. Helicobacter pylori are a type of bacteria that commonly affects children. In addition to this, H.pylori infection is a common trigger of peptic ulcers. It is estimated that the infection can be present in around half of the world’s population.
Moreover, many people do not develop any sign associated with H.pylori infection. This is the reason why the infection goes unnoticed. In case, an individual develops indication of peptic ulcer, then the health care provider will possibly check for the presence of H.pylori infection, since, antibiotics can help treating it.
What Are The Symptoms Of H.Pylori Infection ?
Many individuals with the infection never tend to develop any of its obvious indication. The fact is yet to be known why some people are more resistant to the bacterium and not others. In case symptoms do tend to appear, these may include the following:
- Bloating.
- Frequent burping.
- Loss of appetite, that may consequent in weight loss.
- Nausea.
- Abdominal pain. This may turn worse in an empty stomach.
- Burning pain or ache in the abdomen.
When Is The Right Time To Seek Medical Assistance ?
In case of observing persistent symptoms, call your health care provider for an appointment. Though, it is advice to seek prompt medical aid in case of the following situations:
- Black tarry or bloody stools.
- Swallowing difficulties.
- Black or bloody vomit.
- Continuous or intense abdominal pain.
What Causes H.Pylori Infection ?
How exactly H.pylori manages to affect a person, tends to remain a mystery. Though, the bacteria can be transmitted from an individual to another via direct contact with:
- Fecal matter.
- Vomit.
- Saliva.
Besides, consuming contaminated water or food also helps the bacteria to enter your body.
What Are The Risk Factors Of H.Pylori Infection ?
Usually, the bacterium affects children. Besides, factors that put a person at an increased risk are as followed:
- Living in an underdeveloped nation or in crowded conditions.
- Living with an infected person.
- Living in places where water supply is not reliable.
What are the complications of H.pylori infection?
H.pylori infection can lead to the following complications:
- Ulcers.
- Inflammation of stomach lining, a condition medically termed as gastitis.
- Stomach cancer.
How Is H.Pylori Infection Diagnosis ?
After a thorough physical exam, the doctor will need to know complete details regarding your symptoms. Following procedures and tests can help detect the infection precisely:
- Blood test.
- Breath test.
- Stool test.
- Scope test.
How Is H.Pylori Infection Treatment ?
Usually, a combination of antibiotics is prescribed for treating H.pylori infection. To heal the stomach lining, the health care provider can also suggest an acid-suppressing drug.
How Is H.Pylori Infection Preventable ?
Yes, to some extent! It is important to:
- Practice good hygiene.
- Look what you are eating, while visiting a crowded place or nation.
- Drink boiled water.
By : Natural Health News