Gallstones Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

What are gallstones?
Gallbladder is a pear shaped, small organ positioned at your abdomen’s right side, beneath the liver. This organ carries bile (digestive fluid) that gets released in the small intestine. Gallstones are basically hardened, digestive fluid deposits that tend to form in gallbladder.
The size of gallstones ranges from small (grain) to large (gold ball). Few individuals develop just a single gallstone, whereas others can develop numerous gallstones all at once. Individuals those notice the symptoms of the condition require surgery to remove their gallbladder.
What are the symptoms of gallstones?
Gallstones cause no symptoms at all. However, if it lodges in your duct causing blockage, symptoms can be:
- Sudden increasing pain in your abdomen’s upper portion (right).
- Sudden increasing pain in the middle of abdomen, below the breastbone.
- Pain in the right shoulder.
- Back pain particularly between the shoulder blades.
The pain of gallstone can last for few minutes to some hours.
When is the high time to consult a doctor?
In case of noticing any symptom related to the condition, immediately consult your doctor to avoid the complications in the future. Moreover, in case you experience intense abdominal pain, high fever, yellowing sclera and skin, immediately rush for an appointment.
What causes gallstones?
What exactly causes the formation of gallstones is yet unclear. Though, as per the doctor believes, gallstones can result when:
- The bile contains excessive bilirubin.
- The bile contains excessive cholesterol.
- Gallbladder is not emptied correctly.
Discuss the types of gallstones.
Well, the different types which tend to form in your gallbladder are:
- Cholesterol gallstones: formed when the bile contains excessive cholesterol.
- Pigment gallstones: formed when the bile contains excessive bilirubin
What are the risk factors of gallstones?
The risk factors that can increase the risk to form gallstones are:
- If you are a female.
- Above 60 years of age.
- Are obese or overweight.
- Are pregnant.
- Consume a diet high in cholesterol.
- Consume a diet low in fiber.
- Gallstones run in your family.
- Have diabetes.
- Consume certain medications to lower cholesterol.
What are the complications of gallstones?
Complications include:
- Bile duct blockage.
- Pancreatic duct blockage.
- Gallbladder inflammation.
- Gallbladder cancer.
How is gallstones diagnosed?
Certain procedures and tests can help diagnose the condition. They include:
- CT scan and abdominal ultrasound to create your gallbladder images.
- Certain tests such as ERCP, MRI and HIDA scan to check for gallstones in the bile ducts.
- Blood tests for seeking complications.
How is gallstones treated?
Well, gallstones which do not tend to cause any symptoms for example the ones detected through a CT scan or ultrasound conducted due to any other condition, normally do not need treatment. However the treatment options for gallstones which do cause symptoms are:
- Surgery, for removing your gallbladder.
- Medications, for dissolving gallstones.
What are the preventions of gallstones?
One can reduce the risk if he:
- Never skip meals.
- Lose his weight gradually.
- Maintain a healthy weight.
By : Natural Health News