Makeup & Early Morning Skin Routine Winters December 2016

Hello! Today I thought of sharing with you all my winter 2016 skin care routine.
Early Morning Routine for Work:
Step 1: Wash my face first thing in the morning with Philosophy micro delivery exfoliating face wash after brushing my teeth.
Step 2: Moisturize my face while it’s still damp with Clinique Dramatically Different moisturizing Gel.
Step 3: Prime my face with Too Faced Poreless prime.
Step 4: Cover my face with Bourjois Healthy Mix foundation in shade 53 mixed with Morphe M439 brush sprayed with either Smash box primer water or MAC Fix+.
Step 5: Conceal under eye area and any blemishes with LA Pro concealer
Step 6: Apply any blush that I like usually dark shades in winters and then I coat my lashes with mascara and that’s it.
Step 7: Coat my lashes with lengthening mascara; preferably, MAC false lashes Mascara and that’s it.
That’s all I do before leaving for work in the morning. In my next post I will be sharing a detailed post on my night time routine. I will be sharing with you all some interesting tips & tricks to fight with acne and to keep your skin well hydrated and plumped. I also have some interesting products to share with you all that have worked on my combination skin which is sensitive and highly prone to breakouts in my next post. Keep a check here for updated posts!
Have fun and enjoy winters!
By : Natural Health News