Juice Cure and its Benefits

Fruit juices have a number of benefits to the body, general health and Well-being. A large amount fruits are rich in all the micronutrients that the body needs, as being very low in fats. Fruits are rich in carbohydrates, although you may need to take in pulses to get your protein requirement.
One of the first things that you have to keep in mind is that fruits have to be crushed rather than pulped as in a mixer or food processor. Also, the juice must be strained before use to ensure that none of the pulp or rind comes along with the juice. When taken in this way fruit juices detoxify the body and flush out all the toxins from the body. In fact, there are supposed to be particular vegetable juices that are supposed to help in the cure of cancer.
The important thing to note here though is that practitioners never ‘diagnose’ any disease or problem. Most of the juices are prescribed as a kind of tonic because there’re seldom any ill effects or side effects to drinking fruit juices.
Is Fruit Therapy Better Than Juicing?
There has been a hot debate on whether fruit juice is better than entire fruit. Most dietitians trust that fruits are much better than juices. Whole fruits have soluble fiber that is generally suggested for good health. Fruit juice, on the other hand, consists of a lot of sugars. This makes the juice rich in carbohydrates and sugars.
Fruit juices are not healthy for male and female who have diabetes. But, fruits, due to their soluble fiber content, can help increase the basal metabolism rate. There are lots of fruit therapy benefits, which fruit juices just do not have. A fruit therapy Diet is also great for those who are trying to lose weight.
What Kind Of Juice Is Better For Your Healthy Skin?
Fruits are a rich source of Vitamins. If you’re wondering what type of juice is fine for your skin, the answer lies in the kind of vitamin it contains. The vitamins which are mostly good for skin care are Vitamins A and E. As such, the juices of fruits rich in these vitamins can help in creation your skin glow, relieve common skin ailments and blemishes, and give you perfect and younger looking skin.
Some of the juices for skin health are that of cranberry, apple, guava juice kiwi fruit and cantaloupe. Other good juices for skin care consist of tomato, grapefruit, watermelon, papaya, and passion fruit.
Does Lemon Juice Cleanse Liver, Gallbladder and Colon?
Lemon is one of the greatest known members of family of citrus fruits. Juice of lemon has a high content of Vitamin C. It is rich in citric acid and is utilize as a cleansing agent for the skin and physiological systems such as the digestive system.
As lemon juice is excellent for the digestive system because it cleanses all the parts of this system including the liver, gall bladder, and colon. Consuming the juice of a lemon for cleansing liver all morning helps to flush out toxins and keeps you healthy. You can mix lemon juice in apple juice for best results and powerful cleansing. You can utilize olive oil and lemon for colon cleansing. Doing so on a usual basis prevents constipation and flatulence. Lemon juice also helps stop and treat gallstones.
By : Natural Health News