General Motors Diet Can Lose Weight in 7 Day

Whether you want to be fit to wear a bikini for a get as one at the beach or you just need to weight loss for health reasons, you can try the General Motors diet plan.
The huge company well-known this giant Diet plans for everybody and there were even reports that people lost weight after following the diet.
If you are ready, here’s the seven day diet plan that can help lessen your body weight by five to eight kilograms.
1st Day
Eat Nothing but Fruits
Don’t eat anything not even vegetables or a little piece of chocolate. The fruits include watermelon, strawberries, cantaloupe, peaches, and custard apples.
2nd Day
It’s All Vegetable Day
Day 2 is just like day one, but instead of fruits, you must only eat veggies. You can eat them uncooked or cooked, but don’t add oil when you cook them. Once again, drink eight to 12 glass of water whenever you are thirsty.
3rd Day
Combine Fruits and Vegetables
3rd Day, you can eat any fruit and vegetable you want, but you can’t touch and potatoes bananas. Once again, drink the same quantity of water whenever you need to satisfy your thirst.
4th Day
Banana and Milk
This may be a surprise for you because day one you have avoided bananas, but now you should eat them. You require eating at least eight bananas and drinking three to four glasses of milk.
5th Day
Rice and Tomatoes
This day is called the feast day as you can have a cup of rice for lunch and eat six tomatoes during the whole day. You need to add to your water intake on day five.
6th Day
Rice and Veggies
Here’s another feast day in this diet plan where you can have one cup of rice during lunchtime and want any vegetable you like. You can go back to drinking eight to 12 glasses of water on this day.
7th Day
The Finale
Finally, you have reached the end of the diet plans where you use one cup of rice, vegetables, and fruit juice.
The General Motors Diet is planned to help people weight loss fast without starving themselves. The key is to eat the right foods every time you are hungry, which makes this diet plan not only helpful, but also a healthy way to lose weight.
By : Natural Health News