Wellbeing for Life a Families Information Service

Well-Being is a positive effect that is significant for people and for different sectors of society, because it tells us that people recognize that their lives are going well. Better living conditions e.g., housing, employment are basic to Well-Being. Tracking these conditions is major for public policy.
Well-Being for Life is a free service for adults 16 years and over, who live or work in County Durham and would like help to change their lifestyle. We provide both advice and support to connect you to a range of opportunities in your local community.
We have a range of experienced health trainers and wellbeing growth officers who can offer support and advice to help you feel better by making the changes you want. If you are 16+ you can access our service on a one to one basis or in a group setting. We can help you with:
- Stopping smoking
- Free training
- Mental wellbeing
- Social isolation
- Increasing physical activity levels
- Reducing alcohol and drug use
- Practical cooking
- Adult learning opportunities
- Healthy Eating, weight management, weight loss
- Finding out how to volunteer and help others
- Finding out how to get involved in their community
How is Well-Being Defined?
There is no consensus approximately a single meaning of well-being, but there is general agreement that at minimum, well-being includes the presence of positive emotions and moods (e.g., contentment, happiness), the absence of negative emotions (e.g., depression, anxiety), and satisfaction with life, completion and positive functioning.
For public health purposes, Physical Well-Being (e.g., feeling very healthy and full of energy) is as well viewed as critical to overall well-being. Researchers from different control have examined different aspect of well-being that includes the following4, 34, 38, 39, 41-46:
- Physical well-being
- Life satisfaction
- Economic well-being
- Development and activity
- Psychological well-being
- Social well-being
- Domain specific satisfaction
- Emotional well-being
- Engaging activities and work
Well-being for Life offer a range of volunteering opportunities across County Durham from; Community Health Champions who support the Health Trainers to Community Volunteers who provide much needed support at events and activities
William’s contributions as a volunteer have far reaching benefits for:
The Wellbeing for Life Service
- William brings local community knowledge
- He has an existing rapport with community members
- Helps the team to engage with the hard to reach clients
- Is a passionate, reliable and experienced volunteer and team member
- William actively promotes the service
- He helps to enhance capacity by leading groups
- Improves public perception of service
The Community
- William helps to build unity between people working towards a common aim
- Has helped set up new groups
- He helps those less fortunate or without a voice
- Supports the sustainability of community groups
- Is a permanent advocate for health and wellbeing in the community?
- Has knowledge of a variety of services and resources to signpost
Together, health, wellness, well-being, and what other terms you might as well want to include can serve as a strong foundation from which we can begin to better address the individual and organizational health and performance problem being faced by both today. Health, wellness and wellbeing bring, In essence, the common elements essential to contribute to both employee and organization thriving. And aren’t thriving and its sister, flourishing, what we actually desire?
Here are 7 research-based suggestions for promoting Social Well-Being at work:
- Take time to get to know your employees personally (e.g., what are their hobbies? Likes? Dislikes? Etc.).
- Take physical space seriously. People can’t socialize if they do not have space to do it in.
- Consider social compatibility as a factor in team formation.
- Facilitate productive conflict negotiation to strengthen social wellbeing.
- Encourage physical activity and socialization e.g., takes a walk with someone at lunch.
- Talk about the importance of getting to know new team members.
- Don’t just talk the talk–be more than just a co-worker.
The complex issues of wellness, health, wellbeing and organizational performance will not be solved by a single, simple strategy. Whether you believe health, wellness and wellbeing are a personal responsibility, resulting from personal choices, or they are the effect of a complex system of integrated forces outside the individual.
By : Natural Health News