2000 Calorie Diet Meal Plan Which Can Improve Your Health

2000 calorie diet plan is good balanced diet for weight loss and also for building lean muscle tissue. A healthy eating diet like low in calories or low in fat is like tasteless eating. Every person should know that how much calories you should need in a day according to your age, gender and weight. Today there are many a foods are available in market of top quality. Many food in the market like milk to chocolate, it has tasty taste. Those substitutions have low fat, sugar free and no fat. Use diet can be simple by use of low fat and low calorie foods. Eat boiled or steamed vegetable instead of creamed or fired vegetables. 2000 calorie mostly lead to weight loss in men because some men need 2000 calories per day to maintain a healthy body but it depends upon on his age, size and his weight. Fatty foods like burgers, pizza, potatoes chips and other foods which contain many calories. Males between 14 to 18 have 2200-2800 calories per day and females between 14 to 18 needs 2000 calories per day. Healthy eating is important for all human beings. Healthy diet can also give you energy. Many students want energy to perform different activities in school but if they do not take healthy diet. They can perform according to their requirements. Foods which have a lot of nutrients and vitamins they gives u long digestion time. Because the longer digestion you will take, your energy will remain for longer time. A healthy breakfast can help to children in growth. Junk foods have a lot of carbohydrates which is also called sugar which create a big boost energy. Healthy diet can help to students to decrease the risk from any illness. Eating a healthy foods gives you nutrients, calories and fiber to your body. Quantity of food which you eat depends Our your age. Many people have less than 2,000 calorie diet but they should know the important of that.
There are some 2000 calorie diet meal plan which will help you to maintain yourself for your weight and healthy body.
Fruits and vegetables:
You can get 2,000 calories per day by
2 cups fruit, 2 ½ cups vegetables
Daily dose:
I medium apple, 1 cup berries, 12 baby carrots, 1 cup cooked vegetables.
You can get 2,000 calories per day by
5 ½ ounce equivalents
Daily dose:
3 ounces cooked salmon, beef or chicken, ¼ cup cooked beans and 12 almonds.
Low fat dairy
You can get 2,000 calories per day by
3 cups
Daily dose:
1 cup milk or soymilk, 1 cup yogurt and 1/3 cup shredded cheese.
Other additional information:
Try to eat more track your calorie intake.
Avoid fat free to full fat dairy products
Used olive oil and omega 3 rich oils.
By : Natural Health News