13 Amazing Home Remedies for Whiteheads Removal

Whiteheads or closed comedones are generally a form of acne that remains under the surface’s skin. Accumulation of oil, dirt, dead skin and sebum in the skin pore cause formation of whiteheads. Whiteheads often appear on the cheeks, nose, forehead, and temples. People with excess sebum production and overactive sebaceous glands are more vulnerable to develop whiteheads. The problem of whiteheads happens due to genetic factors or hormonal changes. Some other causes of whiteheads include certain medicines like birth control pills, excessive use of cosmetics, heredity, and poor skin hygiene. Whitehead can be treated with the help of OTC ointment and home remedies using natural ingredients. Now, let’s look at the amazing Home Remedies for Whiteheads Removal.
1. Tea Tree Oil Remedy
Tea tree oil is one of the best home remedies for pigmentation. Besides, it is also effective at removing whiteheads in the cheeks, nose, and chin. Tea Tree oil comes with the antibacterial and antifungal features, which can battle bacteria causing whiteheads and prevent their further development. For this treatment, take 1 cotton swab and immerse it in water. Then, put the tea tree oil (3-4 drops) on it. Start dabbing in on your whiteheads and clear the area using cool water after the duration of 30 minutes. This application should be applied 2 times every day for fast results.
2. Lemon Juice for Whiteheads Removals
Lemon juice is generally a popular ingredient in multiple skin care products. Lemon juice can exfoliate the skin and enhances cell regeneration as well because it is high in alpha hydroxy acids. Its citric acid acts as a great astringent, which can remove whiteheads effectively. For this aim, you take a lemon and cut it into halve. Squeeze it to extract the juice and after that, to it, add the equal quantity of water. Now soak the cotton ball in this solution and begin dabbing it to your affected parts. Follow this once each day for effective results.
3. Using Sandalwood Paste
The skin benefits of sandalwood paste and sandalwood oil are endless. Sandalwood contains the fragrant & cool nature that acts as an astringent and soothing toner to remove grime and excess oil from the skin pores. As a result, Home Remedies for Whiteheads Removal and prevents its recurrence as well. To make a sandalwood paste, you need to mix 1 tbsp of sandalwood powder and 2 tsp of rose water. After that, apply this solution evenly on your whiteheads. Let the mixture completely dry and wash off using water. Try this 2 to 3 times weekly to get desired results.
4. Apple Cider Vinegar Remedy
The ACV is also a potent remedy for removing whiteheads naturally. Being a natural astringent & toner, ACV aids in soaking sebum and excess oil from the skin surface. Along with that, ACV has the capacity to inhibit further growth of acne, pimples and whiteheads owing to its antiseptic and antibacterial abilities. For best results, you can mix 1 tablespoons of ACV in 1 cup of water. Later apply this prepared solution on your whiteheads with a cotton ball. Keep this application on for the duration of ten minutes and rinse the area with the help of lukewarm water. Alternatively, you mix 1 part of ACV with 3 parts of cornstarch. Then, spread this mixture on your whiteheads and scrub it off after around 15-20 minutes. Afterward, soak a washcloth in warm water and use it to clean your face. Finally, rinse with cold water to close the pores.
5. Baking Soda for Whiteheads Treatment
Baking soda also works wonders to treat the problem of whiteheads. Due to its astringent characteristics, baking soda can soak excess oil, sebum, dead skin cells, and dirt from the skin. Along with that, it assists in maintaining the skin’s pH balance making it impossible for whiteheads and blackheads to grow and flourish. All you must do is adding some water to a tsp of baking soda to get a thick paste. Then, evenly smear it on your whiteheads and wash off immediately after around 10 minutes. This natural cure should be used 2-3 times weekly for quick results. People with sensitive skin should not use the baking soda.
6. Tomato Pulp
Tomatoes are crammed with vitamin C, which helps to brighten and rejuvenate the dull skin. It also is helpful for treating whiteheads and blackheads as well. The tomato juice comprises the acidic property, which can balance the skin’s pH to remove sebum, dirt, and excess oil from the skin pores. As a result, this helps to eliminate ugly whiteheads and inhibit its recurrence in future altogether. For this remedy, cut a tomato in half and later rub the juicy pulp on your affected regions. Leave the juice to soak in for about 5 minutes and lastly, rinse off by using water. You can repeat this method as many times as possible.
7. Sugar Scrub for Whiteheads
Basically, a homemade scrub with sugar can work wonders for whiteheads removal. It will help to exfoliate the skin to soak debris and excess oil trapped in the skin pores without drying it. To make this sugar scrub, you need to mix 1 tbsp of sugar with 1 tbsp of honey. If desired, add several drops of lemon juice. Thereafter, get the resultant scrub and apply on your whiteheads. Massage gently in circular motions and wait for a couple of minutes. Use a wet washcloth to wipe it off and lastly, wash your face well. This scrub can be applied 1-2 times in a week for visible results.
8. Using Oatmeal
Generally, oatmeal is a slightly abrasive in nature and functions as a natural exfoliant, which can remove accumulated dirt and dead skin as well. Furthermore, it aids in absorbing excess oil and opening the pores altogether. For this purpose, you mix well 4 tbsp of powdered oatmeal, 1 tbsp of honey, 1 tbsp of lemon juice and 2 tbsp of yogurt. If desired, add 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar to the mixture. Then, dampen the skin and start applying the solution on your whiteheads. You need to leave this application on the area for twenty minutes prior to rinsing it off. You can also make a simple paste by mixing some water with the powdered oatmeal. Later apply on your whiteheads and wait for ten minutes. Finally, scrub it off to reduce blackheads, lessen pores and exfoliate your skin. Follow either of these simple cures once or twice weekly on a regular basis.
9. Gram Flour Remedy
Are you aware of how to get rid of whiteheads quickly and naturally? Then go for this simple remedy instantly. Gram flour can cleanse and exfoliate the face to soak excess oil, dead skin, and sebum from the skin. You need to prepare a thick paste by mixing an enough amount of yogurt with 2 tbsp of gram flour. Evenly smear this mixture on your whiteheads and wait till it completely dries. Then, splash some water on your face to scrub the mixture off and massage using your fingertips. The natural cure can be used 2-3 times weekly for visible results.
10. Cinnamon for Whiteheads Removal
As use a scrub, cinnamon can reduce both whiteheads and blackheads. In addition, it facilitates skin regeneration, thus promoting the production of collagen. Apart from that, cinnamon is also good for combating acne owing to its antimicrobial properties. You can mix together 1 tsp of cinnamon powder and 1 tsp of oat flour with enough warm water and mix well to achieve a thick paste. Begin spreading this paste on your affected areas and scrub for several minutes. Finally, rinse it off after 12-15 minutes. Another option is mixing 1 tsp of aloe vera gel, 1 tsp of honey and 1 pinch of cinnamon powder to get a paste. After that, you start applying on your whiteheads with this paste and clear the area after 15 minutes. Use either of these cures two or three times weekly for satisfied results.
11. Using Strawberries
Another useful home remedy for treating whiteheads is using strawberries. The mildly abrasive texture present in strawberries can exfoliate the skin, thus eliminating trapped dirt, oil and dead skin cells clogging the pores. Along with that, this fruit comes with the ellagic acid that can give your skin protection from the sun damage caused due to ultraviolet rays. For this treatment, you need to take 2-3 strawberries and mash them to attain a paste. Later mix in 1 tbsp of honey and then spread this mixture on your whiteheads. Slightly massage for a couple of minutes in circular motions. Finally, rinse the area well by using water after 10-15 minutes. For quick results, try this 1-2 times weekly for few months.
12. Rice Scrub for Whiteheads
Are you wondering how to remove whiteheads naturally? Then opt for this rice scrub immediately. This scrub helps to remove dead cells, impurities, and dirt from the skin. It also comprises the fine grains that act a great face exfoliant and can treat whiteheads on the face, nose, and chin. To make this rice scrub, you add 1 tsp of honey to 1 tsp of rice flour. Later mix these ingredients well to create a sticky paste and now smear the paste on your face and nose. Afterward, wash the face with water after 20 minutes. Follow this procedure three times in a week.
13. White Vinegar & Corn Starch Pack
Generally, corn starch has the ability to remove sebum & excess oil from the skin, thereby removing whiteheads. This is because corn starch is a great absorbing agent. White vinegar comes with the acidic nature, which helps to remain the skin’s pH balance and inhibits the appearance of acne, blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples. You mix take 3 parts of corn starch and 1 part of white vinegar. Later mix these ingredients to get a paste and after that, evenly apply on your problem areas. Wait for around 15 minutes and rinse away by using lukewarm water.
In conclusion, whiteheads appearing on your nose, face, chin, and cheeks are repulsive and unsightly, but luckily, they can be cured with these potent natural remedies. Now say goodbye to the problem of whiteheads by following all or some of these treatments. Also, share your tips or experience with us.