Different Types of Liposuction: Best Procedure and Common Questions

You may be one of that large group of grown-ups who are looking for a simple way to shed their extra pounds. Research in various US health media indicates that more than 49 percent of citizens are overweight. Failing that, of this high figure, at least half are looking for various types of liposuction to practice on their body, but they have little information.
Liposuction is nothing more than an effective method for losing weight in a matter of hours. They are surgeries that help eliminate fat cells in the middle area of your body for life. Many people get Liposuction Surgery in Miami through reputable clinics with the best experts in the field.
Types of Liposuction
When you dare to enjoy these aesthetic interventions, you may like it if there is a single method or several types of lipo. The most used surgery is super wet, although you can have the tumescent, assisted by laser or ultrasound.
• Super Wet Liposuction
This method is based on injecting some liquids with an anesthetic into the affected area in your body. This process is distinguished from the different types of liposuction because fat extraction is fast, concise, and technically painless.
• Tumescent Liposuction
Tumescent liposuction is an alternate process to super wet lipo, but it avoids the injection of some fluids into the body. Sometimes people prefer tumescent lipo because they think it has better results.
• Laser-Assisted Liposuction
The briefness of laser-assisted lipo makes it the best type of liposuction for thighs. This surgery is very mild and sharp, making it the best option for the thighs, face, neck, and chin. You could practice this method, considering that many actresses and models have requested it on several occasions.
• Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction
Among the different kinds of liposuction is ultrasound-assisted. This aesthetic intervention extracts fat with the same subtlety as laser lipo but ultrasound vibrations. Ultrasonic lipo is excellent for the neck, stomach, love handles, thighs, among other delicate areas.
Most of the clinics that perform this type of surgery usually guarantee that the body will be aesthetically perfect. However, you must invest a good part of your money to have the ultrasonic lipo.
Common Questions Asked Regarding Liposuction Surgery
What is the best lipo for the stomach?
You may be wondering which is the best type of liposuction for stomach by visualizing each type. Although all these interventions address areas such as the stomach, some are more delicate than others. If you prioritize the ultrasonic lipo, you will have the best results in the middle area of your body.
If you do not have enough money to pay for the best types of liposuction, you can opt for alternative surgeries such as tumescent. With this tumescent lipo, you can remove wild fat with a simple method, but its durability is not entirely good.
How long does it take to recover from liposuction?
After choosing the appropriate liposuction method for your body, you will undergo cosmetic intervention. Eventually, you will spend a few hours in the operating room, where the fat will be removed. After liposuction, your body will have 7 to 9 weeks to recover and thus show you the true results of the surgery.