The Most Effective Health Benefits of Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil is gaining more mainstream popularity. Extensive used in the aromatherapy industry, Tea Tree Oil health benefits are being touted by various companies who include it in their products. The oil is generally extracted from the leaves and stems of the plants using a steam distillation process, and marketed as a natural healing agent for different uses. It is one of the other promising natural curing products on the MARKET TODAY……..! With indication from scientific studies to help claim of its healing properties.
Among the BENEFITS OF TEA TREE OIL is its ability to fight infectious agents: bacteria, viruses, and fungi. The information that it has activity against these pathogens create it perfect as a topical antiseptic for cold and flu, head lice, acne, insect bites and gum infections. TEA TREE OIL FOR OVERALL HEALTH may cause irritation to the skin if applied directly in concentrated form.
Ready to use tea tree oil to transform your health and Wellbeing? Here are the top 11 uses for tea tree oil for natural cures and home remedies.
Here are Some Suggestion of Tea Tree Oils Uses and Benefits……….
Tea Tree Oil for Treat Cold and Flu
Symptoms of Cold Sores and flu can be treated by using tea tree oil. Used for sore throats, it is recommends to add 10 drops to a cup of warm water and gargle and rinse your mouth. Do these two times a day. This treatment will help clear mucus and kill bacteria.
Tea Tree Oil for Sinus
Place a few drops of tea tree oil in a vaporizer bath or steam and add 5-10 drops to steaming warm water for an inhalant. You can rub approximately sinuses. Using this treatment at the onset of symptoms will help in killing germs and bacteria.
Tea Tree Oil for Acne
Gently wash the skin with a cotton ball soaked in straight or diluted Tea Tree Oil for Acne can help calm inflammation, reduce infection and prevent new acne sores from developing. It won’t irritate troubled skin, while killing bacteria that aggravate skin eruptions. It can be used on the face, neck, chest and back. Mix a few drops with acne cleanser to increase its effectiveness.
Tea Tree Oil for Bug Repellent
Bugs seem to dislike tea tree oil. The oil can be used to deter ants, roaches and further pests. Add a few drops of the tea tree oil anywhere the pests are coming from. You can furthermore clean pantries and cupboards with a mixture of water and tea tree oil and this will make the bugs leave. Rubbing the mattress with it will assist prevent dust mites? A few drops of oil added directly into a vacuum cleaner bag or canister will help kill dust mites frequently found in carpeting.
Tea Tree Oil for Gum infections
Using a mouthwash of tea tree oil diluted in water can help remedy and stop gum disease and plaque. Be careful not to swallow it. Small amounts are not considered toxic, though the stomach might rebel.
Tea Tree Oil for Eczema
Although there is no known cure for eczema, this oil treatment has been used because of its high antiseptic and analgesic properties. It can reduce severe itching, inflammation, redness and skin elevation common to eczema. Several types of eczema may be treated with this oil like contact dermatitis, allergic dermatitis and even severe and chronic cases of eczema. Many who have tried this oil as an Eczema Treatment have seen an improvement in eczema symptoms with less itching, less redness and reduced inflammation. Tea tree oil for eczema is mild to use even for sensitive skin.
Tea Tree Oil for Bad Breath
Tea tree oil is believed to be a wonderful Treatment for Bad Breath, given its antibacterial properties. You can only add a drop of the tea tree oil to your toothpaste when you brush your teeth.
You can also make a tea tree oil mouthwash by adding 3 drops of the oil to a cup of warm water. Just gargle this solution two times 0r three in a day, if possible after a meal. But yes, never swallow the solution. And yes, because there is limited research on this, do discuss with your doctor or dentist once.
Tea Tree Oil for Athlete’s Foot
Athlete’s Foot is generally known to grow in warm, moist areas between the toes and the sides and soles of feet. It is particularly infectious and spreads speedily in locker and shower rooms. Tea tree oil has been shown to treat an extensive range of fungal infections and symptoms, including athlete’s foot.
To get rid of athlete’s foot, you can use tea tree oil as a topical application. Suggestion is 3 or more times a day applying it to the infected area.
Skin Irritations and Sunburns
Using some drops of added to bath water can help decrease the swelling and itching from skin irritations. In addition the same technique can be used to help the symptoms of small sunburns.
Tea Tree Oil for Hair Care
The stimulant property of essential tea tree oil can be extremely useful for taking care of certain hair conditions. If you suffer from dandruff or hair loss, simply apply a diluted quantity of Tea Tree Essential oil to your scalp. The improved blood flow that you experience will help your follicle stay healthy and strengthen the hold on your hair, so you won’t suffer from premature hair loss. As well, because the skin will become healthier, it will be easier to keep moisturized, reducing the amount of dandruff and dry skin also.
Tea Tree Oil for Head Lice
Head lice can be treated by adding ten drops of tea tree oil to shampoo. The hair and scalp should be wet and lathered carefully. Utilize a fine toothed- comb before shampoo is rinsed off. Avoid direct contact with eyes when washing hair. This technique should be use some times along with treating the house and all of the infected bedding. Tea tree oil can be added to the wash when washing the sheets and bedding.
Tea Tree Oil for Hair Formula
Tea Tree Oil for hair formula can be useful for the treatment of dandruff, preventing head lice, and relieving an itchy scalp.
- Simply add tea tree oil to any regular shampoo bottle
- Softly massage into the hair and scalp as you would with your typical shampoo
- Leave in for approximately 7 minutes and then rinse.
Oils are one of the safest, most effective and natural ways to help hair growth, prevent hair loss and usually improve hair health and get better your Physical Well-being. Tea Tree Oil is unbelievable, but my absolute favorite oil is Coconut oil for Hair. To find out more about this miracle oil, open the Natural Health News blog.
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