Adult Still’s Disease Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

What is Adult Still’s Disease?
Adult still’s disease is basically a type of arthritis which is rare, and is characterized as:
• Sore throat.
• High fever and
• Rash.
Moreover, joint pain also develops some weeks after the initial symptoms of ASD. What exactly causes the disease is yet unknown, however, as per the researches, it is more likely to cause by some infection type. Few individuals faces a single episode of the disease, whilst, for others, the condition continues or recurs.
Like the rheumatoid arthritis, this type of arthritis is also inflammatory. Such inflammation can damage the affected joints, specially the wrists. Furthermore, treatment tends to involves medications, for example prednisone, in order to help manage inflammation.
What are the Symptoms of Adult Still’s Disease?
Few common symptoms of adult still’s disease are:
• Sore throat.
• Daily fever.
• Rash.
• Swollen and achy joints.
• Muscle pain.
What are the Causes of Adult Still’s Disease?
Even though, what causes ASD is yet not known. However the condition is more likely to trigger due to a bacterial or viral infection.
What are the Risk Factors of Adult Still’s Disease?
Age tends to be the major risk factor of ASD, with occurrence in adults hitting twice. Though, men and women are both at a risk to acquire ASD equally. Multiple ASD cases in particular families are rare, thus it’s doubtful either the disease is inherited or not.
What are the Complications of Adult Still’s Disease?
Majority complications triggered by ASD arise due to chronic inflammation of the joints and body organs. Few possible complications can be:
• Joint destruction.
• Heart inflammation.
• Building of fluid around the lungs.
How is Adult Still’s Disease Diagnosed?
Clearly, there is no particular test for diagnosing ASD. Though, the damage caused by ASD can be revealed by imaging tests. Moreover, for ruling out some other conditions which have identical symptoms, the doctor can suggest you white blood tests.
How is Adult Still’s Disease Treated?
Different drugs are used to treat ASD. However, what type of treatment is suitable for the case merely depends upon the symptoms and its severity. Few drugs used for treating ASD can be:
• Steroids (prednisone).
• Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
• Methotrexate.
• Biologic response modifiers.
In case you are suffering from adult still’s disease, mentioned below are some points that can guide you the way you can take good care of your health.
• Diet supplement: in case you are consuming prednisone (high doses), consult the doctor about consuming more vitamin D and calcium supplements in order to prevent osteoporosis.
• Understand the medications: Regularly take your medicines according to the doctor’s advice. Even if there are no symptoms for some days. Remember, controlling inflammation can help minimize the risk of facing serious complications in future.
• Keep moving: while your joints ache, not feeling to workout is normal, though exercise is important as it helps relieving the stiffness and pain, whilst maintain your motion range.
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By : Natural Health News