FoodHealthy EatingSkin Food

Why Are Strawberries Good For Skin?

When it comes to Healthy Eating, strawberries are known to provide several health benefits for Skin, Hair and Body. Strawberries are scrumptious and are the first to ripen in spring. Did you ever realize that these cone shaped molded wonders are not just great in taste but also act as a great skin food rich in antioxidants.

Strawberries are known as super Skin Food because research has shown that those who eat foods rich in vitamin C are less prone to wrinkles, fine lines and other age related impressions on your skin. Here are some of the top explanations why are strawberries good for skin?

  1.     Strawberries are rich source of vitamin C. They are good for your skin because they fight free radicals that steal oxygen from healthy cells and destroy collagen.
  2.     Strawberries are an excellent source of dietary fiber which helps in eliminating harmful toxins in our bodies. They are also great for preventing constipation and regulate bowel movements because that usually leads to Problem Skin such as acne and pimples.
  3.     Strawberries contain Folic acid which is responsible for cell regeneration and the production of new cells in our bodies which helps regenerate dead cells in our skin a lot faster.

To know more about how strawberries are great for your skin read TOP 5 BENEFITS OF STRAWBERRIES FOR SKIN.

By : Natural Health News

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